
Cafe Reggio on Macdougal Street did not invent the "cappuccino," but it certainly was one of the first places in America to offer it. "Cappuccino" was cited in an 1893 guidebook on Italy. New York City's Cafe Reggio served "cappucino" since at least 1946.

Wikipedia: Cappuccino
A cappuccino (/ˌkæpəˈtʃiːnoʊ/; Italian pronunciation: [kapputˈtʃiːno]), is an Italian coffee drink traditionally prepared with espresso, hot milk, and steamed-milk foam. The name comes from the Capuchin friars, referring to the colour of their habits.

Typically its believed by most people not to have in any milk.

Handbook for Travellers
by K. Baedeker
Second Part - Central Italy and Rome
Eleventh Revised Edition
Leipsic: Karl Baedeker, Publisher
Pg. XIX:
Caffe latte is coffee mixed with milk before being served (30-50c.; cappuccino, or small cup, cheaper); or caffe e latte, i.e. with the milk served separately, may be preferred.

4 May 1946, New York (NY) Herald Tribune, pg. 13, col. 6:
Owner Finds Coffee Shop Changed Over Night

Cafe Reggio Transformed
Into Medieval Store by
Artist Rosario Murabito
By Clementine Paddleford
The coffee shop, we mean. Two months ago Mr. Parisi was but Dominic, the coffee man, that fellow who doesn't take his hat off; when he does he starts sneezing. You know that old boy there at 119 Macdougal? His place was the Cafe Reggio, three spindle-legged tables, one counter, a pot-bellied stove, a neighborhood hangout for the Macdougal Street boys who drink coffee and play pinochle until Dominic says, "Out! I'm shutting him up to go home."

One magnificent thing, always dominating the shop, was Mr. Parisis's business partner, the espresso machine.(...)

MAKING ESPRESSO--(...) And the coffee? It is superb. Have espresso plain, the price (Col. 7--ed.) but 5 cents. The cappucino, 10 cents, is espresso with steam heated milk floating lazily over its surface. That delicate bouquet is the merest pinch of ground cinnamon.

The espresso machine is a great urn, its center filled with water which is kept at high temperature. Nine taps each fitted out like a (Col. 8--ed.) miniature percolator, are strung around the sides. The Italian roast coffee ground fine as dust, is placed in those individual makers and the live steam forced through. The cups rest on the small platform projections under the spigots and slowly they fill with the dripping brew.