Capitalist Bible (Wall Street Journal nickname)

Several publications have been called the “capitalist bible.” Adam Smith’s An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations (1776) has frequently been called the “capitalist bible.”
Fortune and Forbes business magazines have each been called a “capitalist bible.” Forbes trademarked the slogan “capitalist tool” in 1966.
The Wall Street Journal newspaper has been called a “capitalist bible” in the 2000s. Other nicknames of The Wall Street Journal include “Wall Street Urinal” and “War Street Journal.”
Wikipedia: The Wall Street Journal
The Wall Street Journal is an English-language international daily newspaper published by Dow Jones & Company, a division of News Corporation, in New York City, with Asian and European editions. As of 2007, it has a worldwide daily circulation of more than 2 million, with approximately 931,000 paying online subscribers. It was the largest-circulation newspaper in the United States until November 2003, when it was surpassed by USA Today. Its main rival is the London-based Financial Times, which also publishes several international editions.
The Journal newspaper primarily covers U.S. and international business and financial news and issues—the paper’s name comes from Wall Street, the street in New York City that is the heart of the financial district. It has been printed continuously since being founded on July 8, 1889, by Charles Dow, Edward Jones, and Charles Bergstresser. The newspaper has won the Pulitzer Prize thirty-three times, including 2007 prizes for backdated stock options and for the adverse impact of China’s booming economy.
Wikipedia: The Wealth of Nations
An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations is the magnum opus of the Scottish economist Adam Smith. It is a clearly written account of economics at the dawn of the Industrial Revolution, as well as a rhetorical piece written for the generally educated individual of the 18th century - advocating a free market economy as more productive and more beneficial to society. He was Professor of Moral Philosophy at the University of Glasgow.
The work is credited as a watershed in history and economics due to its comprehensive, largely accurate characterization of economic mechanisms that survive in modern economics; and also for its effective use of rhetorical technique, including structuring the work to contrast real world examples of free and fettered markets.
Google Books
Ross of the New Yorker
By Dale Kramer
no publisher (?)
Pg. 249:
Rich, heavy, ornate Fortune was the capitalist’s bible.
Google Books
The word of truth:
A summary of Christian doctrine based on Biblical revelation

By Dale Moody
Grand Rapids, MI: W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co.
1990, ©1981
Pg. 258:
Marx also read the ideas of the British economist Adam Smith whose Wealth of Nations ( 1776) was the capitalist “Bible,” and he revolted violently against this accumulation of wealth from another man’s labor.
Google Books
Thorstein Veblen and the American Way of Life
By Louis Patsouras
Montreal: Black Rose Books
Pg. 61:
According to the capitalist bible, Forbes magazine, the wealthiest 400 individuals alone grouped into 82 families, in the early 1980s, owned about 166 billion dollars in corporate assets.
Google Books
The Real Oliver Twist
By John Waller
Thriplow, Cambridge: Icon
Pg. 217:   
Adam Smith’s The Wealth of Nations was the capitalist’s bible.
WSJ concerned about Wii owner health
by Alexander Sliwinski { Nov 25th 2006 at 8:00PM }
The Capitalist’s Bible, also known as the Wall Street Journal, gives a backhanded compliment to the Wii today saying it gets people off the couch, but “is turning out to be more exercise than some players bargained for.” The article explores how people are beginning to develop—wait for it—“Wii elbow.”
Real Business (UK) 
Private pleasures
by Real Business - Thursday, 30th August 2007
And Rich Karlgaard, publisher of the American capitalist bible Forbes, points out that the three US high-tech champions are “alas, distracted as a result of being public:
Ron Paul Doesn’t Look So “Crazy” Now, Does He, New Yorkers?
By Ryan Tate, 3:09 AM on Mon Jul 21 2008
But now it looks like the Fed’s board of governors may be leading us into depression, and even that capitalist bible the Wall Street Journal ran an article this weekend speculating that the thinking behind the gold standard, if not the standard itself, “will have its day again.”
Adam Smith’s Lost Legacy
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Adam Smith on Taxes
Rick Bolton asserts that: ‘Even Adam Smith, author of “Wealth of Nations,” the capitalist bible, favored a progressive tax structure. Smith believed those who benefit the most from the market should pay a higher rate in taxes.’
persona Non Grata
Monday, April 13, 2009
Chart of the Week: Monetizing the Gap
The shadow banking system is still frozen solid, with no new securitization deals since 2007 except where the Fed is the buyer according to the capitalist bible, The Wall Street Journal.
The Huffington Post
Arianna Huffington
Posted: July 15, 2009 08:16 PM
Shattering the Right vs. Left Prism Once Again: The Wall Street Journal Goes After Goldman and the Bank Bailout
Yesterday’s opinion section of the Wall Street Journal offered convincing proof that those who want a progressive financial policy and those who simply want to save capitalism are in agreement about the madness of the administration’s Wall Street policies.
There, on the editorial page of the capitalist Bible, was a piece taking repeated shots at Wall Street darling Goldman Sachs.
The Desolation Angel
15 July 2009
Wednesday/Thursday (Just keep on chooglin)
How blatant is Goldman? The absolute capitalist Bible, the Wall Street Journal, on Wednesday morning, absolutely took Goldman apart for their abuses and theft on their op-ed page:...
sarahngu on July 17 2009 14:28:18
Criticism of the Wall Street Bailout from a Surprising Source
The Wall Street Journal, often dubbed the “capitalist bible,” surprised many by criticizing the government’s bailout of Wall Street, specifically in regards to Goldman Sachs