“Capitalism is controlled by an ‘invisible hand’ that gives most people the invisible finger”

The “invisible hand” over the economy is a theory of capitalism popularized by Scottish economist Adam Smith (1723-1790). Many people, since at least the 1990s. have felt that capitalism gives them an “invisible finger” instead.
“I guess basically the invisible hand is giving us the invisible finger?” was posted on Twitter by Marcella on September 21, 2008. “Capitalism is controlled by an ‘invisible hand’ that gives most people the invisible finger” was posted on Twitter by “God” on November 24, 2013. “Capitalism is controlled by ‘the invisible hand.’ Unfortunately, it’s always giving me the invisible finger” was posted on Reddit—3amjokes on October 27, 2018.
“The invisible hand of the free market is fisting me” is another “invisible hand” saying.
Wikipedia: Invisible hand
The invisible hand is a term used by Adam Smith to describe the unintended social benefits of an individual’s self-interested actions. The phrase was employed by Smith with respect to income distribution (1759) and production (1776). The exact phrase is used just three times in Smith’s writings, but has come to capture his notion that individuals’ efforts to pursue their own interest may frequently benefit society more than if their actions were directly intending to benefit society. Smith may have come up with the two meanings of the phrase from Richard Cantillon who developed both economic applications in his model of the isolated estate.
Google Groups: alt.philosophy.debate
Look, here is my face
Frank T. De Angelis
More and more, Adam Smithąs invisible hand of capitalism seems to be more of a Marxian *invisible finger of capitalism,* with the increased drive for more markets and cheaper labor and raw materials required in a capitalist global economy.
Google Groups: sci.environment
What Evangelical Environmentalists Do Not Know About Economics
Obviously, none of the government laws, regulations and/or social programs adopted to address the problems above is perfect; obviously, they can be criticized from an anarchist, Marxist or rightwing libertarian perspective almost equally easily.  But without them, the “invisible hand of the market” is going to give society the “invisible finger.” As we’re probably going to discover under George Bush.
Google Groups: sci.environment
The Insanity of World Wide Fishery Policies
This effective LACK of property among the poor and powerless essentially contaminates the entire structure of the capitalist market, effectively alienates most people from most contact with “nature,” and often helps to insure that the “invisible hand” of the market will give everyone the invisible finger.
I guess basically the invisible hand is giving us the invisible finger?
7:57 PM - 21 Sep 2008
J҉o̸şh͠ua̧ ͟Gǫld́be̶rǵ
Replying to @barrythrew
@barrythrew adam smith’s invisible hand is giving you the invisible finger.
3:51 PM - 24 Apr 2009
29 February 2012, Your World with Neil Cavuto (Fox Business Network):
NEIL CAVUTO, FBN HOST: I’m not worried so much about the invisible hand but governments worldwide with the not-so-invisible finger to taxpayers.
Capitalism is controlled by an “invisible hand” that gives most people the invisible finger.
8:22 PM - 24 Nov 2013
Capitalism is controlled by “the invisible hand.” self.3amjokes
Submitted October 27, 2018 by porichoygupto
Unfortunately, it’s always giving me the invisible finger.