Calm The Fuck Down (CTFD)

“Calm the fuck down” has appeared in print since at least 1969. “CTFD” has been cited in print since at least 2003; on June 23, 2010, this was the Urban Dictionary’s “Urban Word of the Day.” The expression has been used both in business (the corporatespeak blog defined the term in 2009) and in government.
The Huffington Post, on July 17. 2013, featured “Latest Parenting Trend: The CTFD Method” by David Vienna. The given answer to every parenting problem was for the parent to CTFD (Calm The Fuck Down).
Google Books
The Bible 2.0
By Nathan Smithe
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
Pg. 144:
He started slamming their heads together and on each beat he said and slammed, “Calm.. the.. fuck.. down.. you.. fuck.. ing.. ass.. holes.. fuck.. ing.. stop.. freak.. ing.. out.. and.. shit.. you.. stup.. id.. fucks.. please.. be.. nice.. er.. and.. more..…”
Google Books
Come Free
By Tom Rogers
San Diego, CA: Surrey House
Pg. 143:
“Calm the fuck down. Now, if you have anything to say to us, say it easy like, and say it fast ‘cause we’re too busy to chat with you.”
Google Books
Firmly by the Tail
By P. N. Gwynne
New York, NY: Putnam
Pg. 58:
“Calm the fuck down, man, I made a mistake, just cool it.”
29 December 1992, Morning Call (Allentown, PA), “12 police hurt in fracas at Allentown under-21 party” by Kristin Casler, pg. B4:
“Just calm the f—- down.”
Urban Dictionary
June 23, 2010 Urban Word of the Day
Calm the fuck down.
Dude, ctfd.
by fuckyouyoufuckinfuck Nov 2, 2003
September 15, 2009
Calm The Fuck Down

Yesterday morning I was sitting at my desk, minding my own business, when I got an e-mail sent to three VPs, two middle managers, me, and one of the other programmers. It was a semi-frantic missive from one of our marketing specialists wondering why a promotion we were doing wasn’t on our home page.
The Huffington Post
David Vienna
Screenwriter, playwright and author of
Latest Parenting Trend: The CTFD Method
Posted: 07/17/2013 9:44 am
I know many people want to stay current with the latest parenting trends—attachment parenting, minimalist parenting, Tiger Mother parenting, et al. Well, I’ve stumbled upon a new technique that will guarantee your child grows up to be an exemplary student and citizen. It’s called CTFD, which stands for “Calm The F*ck Down.” And that’s not a message to give your kids. It’s for you.
Using CTFD assures you that—whichever way you choose to parent—your child will be fine (as long as you don’t abuse them, of course).
Huffington Post
CTFD is the most brilliant parenting method of all time
10:16 AM - 18 Jul 13