“Calling your life a journey doesn’t make it any less of a disaster”

“Calling your life a journey doesn’t make it any less of a disaster” was posted on Twitter by Eva on February 15, 2018. It’s not known who originated the saying.
It’s often stated that “life is a journey”—especially after setbacks. However, this saying states that calling disastrous setbacks a “journey” is sometimes sugar-coating the situation.
“calling your life a journey doesn’t make it any less of a disaster”
8:24 AM · Feb 15, 2018
Sirena de maíz ∞
“Calling your life a journey doesn’t make it any less of a disaster.” 😂
3:01 PM · Nov 14, 2021
14 nov 2021
Calling your life a journey doesn’t make it any less of a disaster.
The Midult
December 9, 2021
Calling your life, a ‘journey’ doesn’t make it any less of a disaster. The vernacular application of ‘journey’ is meant to add an air of the exotic to the grind. It’s intended to imply a constant moving forward. But what if your journey involves you being stuck and scared.
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June 7, 2023 at 7:29 PM ·
Shared by Mike Slys
(The following text is shown on an image.—ed.)
Calling your life a
journey doesn’t
make it any less of
a disaster.