“Burritos are sleeping bags for ground beef”
“A burrito is a sleeping bag for ground beef” (or “Burritos are sleeping bags for ground beef” is a jocular description of a burrito that has been printed on many images. American stand-up comedian Mitch Hedberg (1968-2005) used the line in his act by at least January 2005, when it was cited in a newspaper and included in a recording of his act, Do You Believe in Gosh? (released after Hedberg’s death, in 2008).
Wikipedia: Burrito
A burrito (US: English: /bəˈritoʊ/) is a type of Mexican and Tex-Mex food, consisting of a large wheat flour tortilla with a filling, wrapped into a closed-ended cylinder, in contrast to a taco, where the tortilla is simply folded around the filling. The flour tortilla is sometimes lightly grilled or steamed to soften it, make it more pliable and allow it to adhere to itself when wrapped.
In Mexico, meat and refried beans are sometimes the only fillings. In the United States, burrito fillings may include a combination of ingredients such as Mexican-style rice or plain rice, beans or refried beans, lettuce, salsa, meat, guacamole, cheese, sour cream and various vegetables. Burrito sizes vary.
Wikipedia: Mitch Hedberg
Mitchell Lee “Mitch” Hedberg (February 24, 1968 – March 30, 2005) was an American stand-up comedian known for his surreal humor and unconventional comedic delivery (including deadpan delivery). His comedy typically featured short, sometimes one-line jokes mixed with absurd elements and non sequiturs.
Wikiquote: Mitch Hedberg
Do You Believe in Gosh?
A burrito is a sleeping bag for ground beef.
15 January 2005, Times Union (Albany, NY), “Lynch is perverse, but he pulls it off” by Shannon Fromma, pg. D7:
It took a while for Hedberg to find his groove this time around, to the obvious dismay of many. There were several moments of awkward silence as he stumbled through some of the one-liners he was reading from - many of which didn’t elicit much of a response. But then he’d ruminate about something so random, like “A burrito is a sleeping bag for ground beef” or “If you have dentures, do not use artificial sweetner, cause you’ll get a fake cavity,” and the crowd would crack up.
9 March 2005, Chicago (IL) Tribune, “Hedberg weaves hip one-liners, layered jokes” by Allan Johnson, sec. 2, pg. 3, col. 1:
The comic fired off hip one-liners throughout his show: “I was on a Ferris wheel, and it got a flat . . . a burrito is a sleeping bag for ground beef . . . I tried to walk into Target, but I missed.”
mojo shivers
New Mitch Hedberg album tomorrow! http://tinyurl.com/mitchypoo This is the best news. “Burritos are sleeping bags for ground beef…”
2:46 PM - 8 Sep 2008
burritos are like sleeping bags for meat. http://myloc.me/2tpQB
7:59 AM - 30 Dec 2009
Hannah Wartenberg
Burritos are like sleeping bags for meat and cheese, south of the border genius.
2:35 AM - 27 Jun 2011
Google Books
More One Liners, Jokes and Gags
Compiled by Grant Tucker
London, UK: Biteback Publishing Ltd
Pg. ?:
A burrito is a sleeping bag for ground beef.
Mitch Hedberg
A burrito is a sleeping bag for ground beef.
6:09 PM - 18 Jun 2013