Bullionaire (bullion + -aire)

A “bullionaire” (bullion + -aire, as in “millionaire” and “billionaire”) is someone who holds precious metals, such as gold or silver—usually in a large amount. “Bullionaire” has been cited in print since at least 1850, but has been used relatively infrequently.
Wikipedia: Bullion
Bulliontraditionally stands for gold bars, silver bars, other precious metals bars or ingots. The word bullion reportedly originates from Claude de Bullion (13 October 1569 – 22 December 1640), who was a French aristocrat and politician who served as a Minister of Finance under Louis XIII from 1632 to 1640. An alternate theory suggests that it comes from the old French word bouillon, which meant “boiling” and was the term for a mint or melting house.
In recent years, the term bullion has also been used to describe ingots or bars of base metals such as copper, nickel, or aluminum.
Chronicling America
3 October 1850, The Star of the North (Bloomsburg, PA), “A racy Article,” pg. 2, col. 6:
Pig metal is to be transmuted into precious metal by the simple reading over it of the enacting clause of a new tariff act, andiron men are to become “bullionaires” in a day.
20 January 1878, The Daily News (Denison, TX), pg. 3, col. 1:
AT the recent silver wedding of Mr. Crocker, a bullionaire of California, his wife presented an appearance unique and valuable.
OCLC WorldCat record
Death of a bullionaire
Author: Albert Benjamin Cunningham
Publisher: New York : E.P. Dutton, 1947.
Edition/Format:   Book : Fiction : English : 1st ed
Google Books
6 November 1964, Life magazine, “Agent 007 Takes On a Solid-Gold Cad,” pg. 116, col. 1:
A porcine, modern-day Midas, he (Auric Goldfinger, a character in a James Bond film—ed.) wants to become the world’s first bullionaire by cornering the U.S. gold reserves at Fort Knox with the aid of an atomic device and an aerial circus of gorgeous girls, whose mission is to immobilize the fort’s garrison with nerve gas.
27 January 1974, Dallas (TX) Morning News, “‘Bullionaire’ coins her own Golden Rule” by Terry Kirkpatrick, pg. 5F, col. 3:
“I’M A BULLIONAIRE,” Miss Arango said. “A millionaire has dollars. I have gold. I make it in black gold and I put it in yellow gold.”
The Observer (UK)
Who wants to be a bullionaire?
Despite a few plodding cop show clichés, Channel 4’s Brinks Mat docudrama was good as gold

Rachel Cooke
Saturday 29 November 2003
Plonked in front of a television camera, policemen often say some pretty stupid things. ‘We are looking for a dangerous man,’ they announce, as the victim’s body is discovered. ‘Somebody out there knows something,’ they declare, in search of fresh information. At the beginning of Brinks Mat: The Greatest Heist, a ruddy-faced copper earnestly warned viewers not to make the mistake of thinking that the gang who, on 26 November 1983, got away with gold bullion worth £26million from a vault near Heathrow airport, were some kind of Ocean’s Eleven.
Sydney (Australia) Morning Herald
Who wants to be a bullion-aire?
February 26, 2006
There are endless ways of buying and selling gold, with something for every taste, writes David Potts.
Tom Flowers
Become a “bullionaire!” Buy precious metals (#gold, #silver) at the Bullion Center on eBay! =) http://www.mintmark.com/contact.html#bullion
10:09 AM - 21 Dec 2012
Silver Doctors
JUNE 11, 2014 BY THE DOC
mikeyj80 says:
June 11, 2014 at 8:32 PM
Maybe not a billionaire, but you’re certainly a bullionaire!