“Bullets and fireworks are the only things that do their job after they are fired”

Who (or what) does a job after being fired? “Bullets are the only things that do their job only after they are fired” was posted on Reddit—Shower Thoughts on July 31, 2015.
“Bullets and fireworks are the only things that do their job after they are fired” was posted on Twitter on January 22, 2016.
Reddit—Shower Thoughts
Bullets are the only things that do their job only after they are fired.
submitted July 31, 2015 by Flatline_hun
Anthony Jensen‏
Bullets are the only thing that do their job after they are fired
6:23 PM - 31 Jul 2015
Bullets are the only thing to do their job after they are fired
9:06 PM - 2 Aug 2015
Timothy Palmer‏
Bullets are the only thing that do their job after they are fired
11:05 AM - 4 Aug 2015
bundebunde chongo‏
Bullets and fireworks are the only things that do their job after they are fired..🤓
4:03 PM - 22 Jan 2016
Chike Martin‏
Bullets and fireworks are the only things that do their job after they are fired.
1:13 PM - 12 Feb 2016
Reddit—Shower Thoughts
Bullets and fireworks are the only things that do their jobs after they are fired
submitted July 13, 2016 by ImpulseFlea92
Reddit—Shower Thoughts
Bullets are the only things that do their job after they are fired.
submitted February 2, 2017 by BasedOnAir
Bullets and fireworks are the only things that do their job
submitted March 28, 2017 by hehehuehue
After they are fired
Reddit—Shower Thoughts
Bullets and Fireworks are the only things that do their job after they are fired.
submitted October 13, 2017 by flynngilmore23