Brexting (breakup + texting; breastfeeding + texting)

“Brexting” is two different types of texting.
“Brexting” (breakup + texting) is from 2009. “New Word!—Brexting: (verb) Breaking up via text message” was cited on Twitter on August 1, 2009.
“Brexting” (breastfeeding + texting) is from 2014. “Is brexting (texting while breastfeeding) okay?” is an article that was printed on July 31, 2014.
The Addictionary
New Word!—Brexting: (verb) Breaking up via text message.
9:22 PM - 1 Aug 2009
Brexting is in the Collins dictionary. It means to break up with someone via text.
5:36 AM - 23 Apr 2012
Jonny Ramada
New word. ‘brexting’ texting while eating breakfast.
1:34 PM - 24 Mar 2012
Ask the Mediatrician
JULY 31, 2014
Is brexting (texting while breastfeeding) okay?
Q: Does texting while breastfeeding affect how a mother bonds with her baby?
~ Connection Curious, on Twitter
A: Dear Connection,
This is yet another iteration of the most important question for parents in the Digital Age, one that will recur, in various forms, for both parent and child from infancy through adolescence. How do we maintain human connectedness in a full-connectivity environment?
Does brexting (#texting while breastfeeding) affect how a #mom bonds w/her #baby? Ask the @Mediatrician:
7:44 AM - 4 Aug 2014
The Telegraph (UK)
‘Brexting’ is a joyful part of breastfeeding: Sadly the Pope can’t try it
As the Pope criticises social media for creating ‘radical loneliness’, Milli Hill explains why it’s her saviour and how ‘brexting’ isn’t something to scoff at

By Milli Hill 2:46PM BST 28 Sep 2015
If you’re new to the motherhood game, be warned: there will always be a new stick to beat yourself with. Some are familiar: if you’re bottle feeding you should be breastfeeding, and if you’re breastfeeding in public you should be doing it in private on your sofa – and so on. But now comes another unwritten law: if you’re breastfeeding in private on your sofa, you should, not, I repeat NOT be brexting. Got that?
Yes, brexting, you read that right - it’s the latest ‘blend’ word to describe the practice of having a quick scan of your smartphone while your baby is on the boob
Daily Mail (UK)
Are YOU guilty of ‘brexting’? Mothers shamed for using their smartphone while breastfeeding because it interferes with bonding
. ‘Brexting’ is a new word for shaming breastfeeding mothers
. It refers to mothers who browse their smartphone while breastfeeding
. According to some experts, ‘brexting’ interferes with your bonding time
. FEMAIL speaks to one mother of twins who is a self-confessed ‘brexter’
. Do you ‘brext’? Email .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
PUBLISHED: 02:12 EST, 2 May 2016 | UPDATED: 03:52 EST, 2 May 2016
I’m a Mom Distracted by Her iPhone — and I Won’t Apologize For It
May 5, 2016 by KATE SCHWEITZER
And this week — months after my now-toddler weaned off of breastmilk completely, I didn’t need yet another wave of headlines about the dangers of “brexting” — a term the internet coined so that moms could more easily shame other moms for partaking in the practice without wasting valuable characters on Twitter — to fill up my news feed as if I didn’t get the memo the first time around.