BRAT diet (Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, Toast)

The “BRAT diet” is and acronym for a diet of Bananas, Rice, Applesauce and Toast. The BRAT diet—cited in print from at least 1975— was intended for infants and people with gastrointestinal distress (such as diarrhea). The American Academy of Pediatrics no longer recommends the diet for young children because it’s deficient in protein and fat. Other acronyms include BRATY (with Yogurt, cited in print from at least 1991), BRATT (with Tea, cited from 1993), and BRATTY (with Tea and Yogurt, cited from 1994).
CRAM (Cereal, Rice And Milk or Cereal, Rice, Applesauce and Milk) is cited in print from at least 2002.
Wikipedia: BRAT diet
The BRAT diet was, historically, a prescribed treatment for patients with gastrointestinal distress such as diarrhea, dyspepsia, and/or gastroenteritis. It however is no longer recommended. The American Academy of Pediatrics states that most children should continue a normal, age appropriate diet. The foods from the BRAT diet may be added, but should not replace normal, tolerated foods. Sugary drinks and carbonated beverages should be avoided.
The BRAT diet consists of foods that are relatively bland and low in fiber. Low-fiber foods were recommended as it was thought that foods high in fiber cause gas and possibly worsen gastrointestinal upset.
A well-balanced diet is best even during diarrhea. Studies have however found that incorporating foods from the BRAT diet may reduce the severity of diarrhea.[citation needed] Applesauce provides pectin, as does toast with grape jelly.
BRAT is the mnemonic acronym for Bananas, Rice, Applesauce and Toast, the staples of the diet. Extensions to the BRAT diet include BRATT (Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, Toast, and Tea) and BRATY (Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, Toast, and Yogurt).
. Bananas
. Rices
. Applesauce
. Toast
. Tea
. Yogurt

Alternative (CRAM)
. Cereal
. Rice
. Applesauce
. Milk
Google Books
Mother’s Almanac
By Marguerite Kelly and Elia Parsons
Edition: revised
Garden City, NY: Doubleday
Pg. 124:
...BRAT diet—bananas, rice, applesauce and toast.
Google Books
Comprehensive Pediatric Nursing
By Gladys M. Scipien
Edition: 2
Published by McGraw-Hill
Pg. 772:
The physician may choose to use a BRAT diet, the letters standing for bananas (fresh), rice cereal, applesauce (canned), and toast.
Google Books
The Handbook of Nursing
By Jeanne Howe, Margaret E. Armstrong
Published by Wiley
Pg. 578:
Bananas, rice, cereal, applesauce, dry toast, and clear liquids (referred to as the BRAT diet). 
Google Books
Medical Abbreviations and Eponyms
By Sheila B. Sloane
Published by Saunders
Pg. 27:
BRAT diet—bananas, rice, cereal, applesauce and toast
Google Books
Dr. Mom:
A Guide to Baby and Child Care

By Marianne R. Neifert and Anne Price
Photographs by Nancy Dana
Published by Putnam
Pg. 261:
This can be done by introducing the “ABC,” or “BRAT,” diet in children who are already on solids. These letters stand for Applesauce, Bananas, Carrots, and Bananas, Rice cereal, Applesauce, and Toast.   
17 January 1989, Washington (DC) Post, “Doctors Stumble on the Essence of Brat” by Victor Cohn, pg. Z5:
One of the most common prescriptions for infant diarrhea is the “BRAT” diet: bananas, rice, applesauce and toast. But there’s a lot of confusion about it among parents and physicians alike, according to a report in Pediatric News.
Dr. Thomas Self of the University of California at San Diego asked 100 pediatricians and family doctors who said they prescribed the diet regularly what BRAT stood for. He asked them face-to-face, so they couldn’t look it up. “A very high percentage,” he said, “really didn’t know what the letters stood for, with answers ranging from B stands for bratwurst to T stands for tea.”
Most, he added, also said it should be used for “a week or so,” a vague recommendation that leads some parents to put an infant on this spare fare for days or weeks every time there’s a loose bowel. The possible results: worse diarrhea and, worse still, serious undernutrition.
Self told physicians: Know all about the patient before prescribing the diet. Use it for no more than two to five days, with careful supervision. Keep track of the number of times it has been used.
Google Books
Dying at Home: a family guide for caregiving
By Andrea Sankar
Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press
Pg. 242:
“Braty” Diet Diet restricted to bananas, rice, apple juice, toast (dry), and yogurt which is used to control diarrhea.
Google Groups
From: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) (Steve Guntly)
Date: 6 Nov 91 21:53:29 GMT
Local: Wed, Nov 6 1991 4:53 pm
Subject: Re: Bratty (sp?) diet?
When we first ran into something similar with Danielle (around 3 years ago, as I recall), we were told to use the BRATY diet also.  When we asked “What’s that?” we were told:
Rice cereal
1993, Pediatrics for Parents, “Apples for Diarrhea,” pg. 7:
The BRATT diet (Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, Toast, and Tea) is an old standby when treating a child with diarrhea.
Google Books
Mayo clinic diet manual: a handbook of nutrition practices
By Jennifer K. Nelson, Mayo Clinic
Edition: 7, illustrated
Published by Mosby
Pg. 554:
Use of the BRAT diet (consisting of bananas, rice, applesauce, and tea or toast) for exclusive treatment of diarrhea is not recommended. This diet is deficient in protein, fat, and energy. Traditionally the BRAT diet excluded the use of any formula and led to further nutritional decline. This deit may also be referred to as the BRATTY diet (bananas, rice, applesauce, tea, toast, and yogurt).
St. Petersburg (FL) Times
What to feed a sick toddler? Let the doctor spell it out for you.

© St. Petersburg Times, published April 2, 2002
Upon return mother approves this treatment, to father’s great relief. Adds rice, toast and Gatorade. Mother identifies it as BRAT diet—for banana, rice, applesauce and toast. Father quietly impressed by easy-to-remember yet official-sounding acronym.
Research on Internet the next day confirms doctor’s advice in lock step with American Academy of Pediatrics policy. Finds reference to CRAM diet—cereal, rice and milk. Research also indicates continued popularity of discredited information.
Father, eager to spread good news, invents new, more inspiring acronym: CHAMP—cheese, acidophilus, milk and peanut butter.
from casi 
Nov 29, 2008, 06:32 PM
Re: Brat diet
Darn, here I thought that this thread was all about a new healthy diet composed of just bratwurst. 
from grgo69
Jan 03, 2009, 12:50 PM
Re: Brat diet
Extension of brat diet is BRATT (Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, Toast, and Tea) and BRATY (Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, Toast, and Yogurt).
Alternative is also CRAM diet (Cereal, Rice, and Milk)