Borough of Homes

Both Brooklyn and Queens have used "Borough of Homes." The appellation began fairly soon after the cities united into one city with boroughs in 1898.

16 April 1899, Brooklyn Daily Eagle
That the Twenty-ninth Ward, as the old Town of Flatbush is now known, will in the early future become one of the leading sections of this great borough of homes by virtue of its location and natural advantages, its large areas restricted to dwellings only, in the attractiveness of its homes and thoroughfares and in the character of its citizenship, is a proposition that will be generally accepted without controversion.

22 May 1899, Brooklyn Daily Eagle, pg. 13:
(From Yesterday's New York Sun.)
New York is growing Brooklynward at a marvelous pace. Brooklyn borough is already the borough of homes. If its present progress continues it soon will be the borough of homes of the country, if it has not already attained that position.

16 June 1901, New York Times, pg. SM16:
IT is probably only in Brooklyn, the borough of homes and churches, that they call 'em so.

5 October 1911, New York , pg. 10:
Queens is becoming a borough of homes.

21 March 1915, New York Times, pg. XX6:

20 June 1930, Syracuse Herald, pg. 1, col. 2:
Brooklyn, New York's borough of homes and churches, has a population of 2,595,154, and increase of 22 per cent in the past 10 years.

29 December 1930, Syracuse (NY) Herald, pg. 16, col. 6:
Oddly enough, baseball fans of this well known borough of homes appear to be more interested in whether or not the Brooklyn club is going to increase its seating capacity for next season than in any other topic of the day.

30 January 1936, Edwardsville (IL) Intelligencer, pg. 1, col. 6:
Public Health Services added up its statistics today and announced that New York City's queens, the borough of homes and apartment houses, had the lowest 1935 death rate in the nation.