“Bonjour, y’all” (Paris, Texas greeting)

“Bonjour, Y’all” has been cited in print since at least 1966, in an editorial that described how the hot new Paris fashion was clothing from the American West. The city Paris, Texas, has sold “bonjour. y’all” T-shirts since at least 2007.
14 June 1966, Dallas (TX) Morning News, pg. D4, col. 2:
Bonjour, Y’all
Get a load of those new Paris fashions—no, not the short skirts and holey blouses, the 10-gallon sombreros and cowboy boots. That’s right: France is going wild over the American West.
Pittsburgh (PA) Post-Gazette
Find a proud and simpler culture in Paris, Texas
September 17, 2007 12:00 am
By Malecia El-Amin / The Dallas Morning News
Try or buy Brown’s petite designs, but don’t leave without a “Bonjour, y’all” souvenir T-shirt “with bling” or “without bling,” as noted on the tag on top of the piles. Of course, the Eiffel Tower is pictured.
The Paris (TX) News
Chamber trip aims to foster relationship with Paris, France
Posted: Friday, March 11, 2011 12:11 pm
“Bonjour y’all” is a common phrase heard around these parts. It will soon be heard on the other side of the Atlantic when a contingent from Paris, Texas, lands in Paris, France.
Just Me
ten bucks says Kim was late because she actually went to Paris, Texas #rhobh bonjour y’all
8:02 PM - 25 Feb 13
Paris (TN) Post-Intelligencer
PARIS TN: Southern Living magazine compares Paris, TN to Texas counterpart
Published: Wednesday, April 3, 2013 11:31 AM CDT
“Gone fishin’” is listed as the unofficial motto here, because of Kentucky Lake being just 20 minutes from Paris. Perhaps with tongue in cheek, Southern Living doubts any Texas cowboy would be caught saying “Bonjour, y’all,” supposedly Paris, Texas’ unofficial motto.