“Bomb hills, not countries” (skateboarding adage)

“Bomb hills, not countries” is the slogan that the Sector 9 company put on its skateboards. The slogan has not been copyrighted and is also used in longboarding.
“Bomb hills, not countries” has been cited in print since 2003 and has been put on many gift items, such as posters and T-shirts.
Wikipedia: Sector 9
Sector 9 is a skateboard manufacturer and subsidiary of Billabong International. The company was started in La Jolla, California in 1993. Steve Lake, Dave Klimkiewicz, and Dennis Telfer are the cofounders of the company. Sector 9 is currently headquartered in San Diego, California.
Sector 9 specializes in longboards for surfing, skateboarding, and snowboarding. Their main focus is on hard goods, but they also offer a range of soft goods.

Billabong International acquired Sector 9 in 2008.
The Paly Voice (Palo Alto High School)
Paly students protest Iraq war
by Francois Hughes and Sam Badgerof The Paly Voice
Published March 21, 2003
One was the Skateboarding Company Sector Nine catchphrase “Bomb hills not countries,” Paly student Mark Carilli said.
Longboarding - How Did It All Begin For You ?
Posted: 08 Feb 2004 21:29
Bomb Hills, Not Countries
New York (NY) Times
TRENDS; Looks Like Skateboarding, But They Say It’s Easier
Published: August 28, 2005
Enthusiasm among students has propelled Sector 9’s growth. (As the company declares on one of its models, students on boards “bomb hills, not countries.”) The company started in 1993 in a backyard in La Jolla, Calif., and now commands 80 percent of the market, having grown at least 10 percent in each of the last two years in a multimillion-dollar industry, according to Craig Beck, national sales manager.
Edmonton Journal (Alberta)
Steel Wheels offers unique pizza in a quirky, fun atmosphere
Walls of Old Strathcona eatery bear witness to loyal clientele

Julianna Cummins, Edmonton Journal
Published: Saturday, August 21 2010
Nearly every inch of Steel Wheels is covered in graffiti. Above one booth, someone has permanently saved a seat. “Oxy eats pizza here,” with an arrow pointing down. Another message reads “Bomb hills, not countries. Longboard.”
Chillax Longboards
April 27, 2012
Longboarding Quotes!!!
“Bomb Hills Not Countries” - sector 9