Blue Privilege (police blue + white privilege)

“Blue privilege” (police blue uniform + white privilege) describes the “privilege” of the police to use deadly force in policing. The term was popularized in November-December 2014, when white police officers (in Ferguson, MO and Staten Island, NY) were charged with the deaths of two black men, but the grand juries refused to indict anyone in either case.
“Blue Privilege” by Ben Voth appeared in American Thinker on July 11, 2013, but Voth was writing about elite or “blue-blooded” Democrats (blue, as in blue states). “BLUE privilege. MT @ShaunKing With 7 different eyewitnesses seeing Mike Brown shot in cold blood, what besides white privilege is the delay?” was cited on Twitter  on November 19, 2014.
“Darren Wilson and the Reality of ‘Blue Privilege’” by William N. Grigg was published on the Pro Libertate blog on November 26, 2014, and on on November 28, 2014.
Wikipedia: White privilege
White privilege (or white skin privilege) is a term for societal privileges that benefit white people in western countries beyond what is commonly experienced by the non-white people under the same social, political, or economic circumstances. These privileges are unearned and are distributed based on values of the dominant group, which in the west is white people. According to McIntosh and Lee, whites in a society considered culturally a part of the Western World enjoy advantages that non-whites do not experience.[1] This leads to the controversy over whether or not White people should be able to enjoy these privileges. The term denotes both obvious and less obvious passive advantages that white persons may not recognize they have, which distinguishes it from overt bias or prejudice. These include cultural affirmations of one’s own worth; presumed greater social status; and freedom to move, buy, work, play, and speak freely.[1] The effects can be seen in professional, educational, and personal contexts. The concept of white privilege also implies the right to assume the universality of one’s own experiences, marking others as different or exceptional while perceiving oneself as normal.
American Thinker
July 11, 2013
Blue Privilege
By Ben Voth
Blue privilege drives our discussions provided by elites in these blue fields of journalism, academia, and Hollywood.
BLUE privilege. MT @ShaunKing With 7 different eyewitnesses seeing Mike Brown shot in cold blood, what besides white privilege is the delay?
10:48 AM - 19 Nov 2014
What’s better than White privilege? You guessed it, BLUE privilege!!! #Ferguson #ShutItDownATL #shutitdwn
Atlanta, GA
10:53 PM - 25 Nov 2014
Photography Is Not A Crime (PINAC)
November 26, 2014
Darren Wilson Investigation Swayed by Favoritism from Start
Posted by: William N. Grigg
“Any time I’m involved in an officer-involved shooting, be it a fatal one or non-fatal, it is always during my initial investigation listed as an assault on law enforcement,” explained the St. Louis County Police Detective who inaugurated the investigation of the Michael Brown shooting.
“Officer Wilson … was the victim of the assault we were investigating.”
It is not necessary to treat Michael Brown as a victim to take issue with the architecture of official privilege that protects Darren Wilson – and all other police officers – from accountability.
Mr. Grigg, who publishes the Pro Libertate blog, is a contributor at and the author of five books.
Pro Libertate
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Darren Wilson and the Reality of “Blue Privilege”
(A version of this essay was originally published at Photography Is Not A Crime.)
“Any time I’m involved in an officer-involved shooting, be it a fatal one or non-fatal, it is always during my initial investigation listed as an assault on law enforcement,” explained the St. Louis County Police Detective who inaugurated the investigation of the Michael Brown shooting. “Officer Wilson … was the victim of the assault we were investigating.”
It is not necessary to believe that Michael Brown was the embodiment of winsome innocence (it’s pretty clear that he was not) to take issue with the architecture of official privilege that protects Darren Wilson – and the other armed representatives of the political class – from accountability. The problem, in a single phrase, isn’t “white privilege,” but rather “blue privilege.”
The architecture of official privilege that protects Darren Wilson
“Any time I’m involved in an officer-involved shooting, be it a fatal one or non-fatal, it is always during my initial investigation listed as an assault on law enforcement,”explained the St. Louis County Police Detective who inaugurated the investigation of the Michael Brown shooting. “Officer Wilson … was the victim of the assault we were investigating.”
It is not necessary to believe that Michael Brown was the embodiment of winsome innocence (it’s pretty clear that he was not) to take issue with the architecture of official privilege that protects Darren Wilson – and the other armed representatives of the political class – from accountability. The problem, in a single phrase, isn’t “white privilege,” but rather “blue privilege.” 
Nov 28 2014, 09:52 AM
Blue Privilege - cops above the law
When discussing cases in which a cop kills someone, there are people who think the killing is investigated in the same manner as any killing. Not true. Cops are given special favorable treatment which the non-cop would never receive.
Cops are assumed innocent, the dead victim was assumed to have been guilty of assaulting the cop, and the focus of the investigation is to verify those assumptions.
Ben Lawless on Blue Privilege (police)
Ry Dawson
Published on Dec 1, 2014
Infowars roundtable discusses insider Ferguson information
Outside agitators have looted, burned and destroyed small businesses – mostly minority owned. But has a different kind of outsider, the federal government, agitated and inflamed the police with an exaggerated sense of danger to make them shoot first? Blog
“Blue Privilege” Protects the Killer of Eric Garner….
William Norman Grigg
…. the businessman who was choked to death by police on the streets of Staten Island for allegedly selling cigarettes, rather than stealing them.
4:08 pm on December 3, 2014 Blog
re: “Blue Privilege” Protects the Killer of Eric Garner
Thomas DiLorenzo
Eric Garner, father of six, was simply standing on a sidewalk selling individual cigarettes to pedestrians.  The local merchants, who sell cigarettes by the pack and therefore must charge New York state’s exhorbitant cigarette tax, complained to the authorities about this “unfair competition.”  The government sent six heavily armed tax collection enforcers . . . er, I mean, police officers . . . to accost Mr. Garner.  They took him down and murdered him by choking him to death.  The coroner ruled the death a homicide. The “grand jury” does what grand juries always do — they let the cops off with no penalty at all.  Death by tax collector would be more accurate.
8:12 pm on December 3, 2014
M Lewis Sauerwein shared Paul Joseph Watson’s video.
1 hr · (December 4, 2014)
Paul absolutely nails this whole race thing. It’s not about “white” privilege, it’s about BLUE privilege.