“Blisters are braille for ‘awesome’” (running saying)
“Blisters are braille for ‘awesome’” is a jocular running saying that’s been displayed on signs at several marathons. “Blisters are Braille for Awesome!” was first cited on Twitter on May 23, 2012.
Boot Camp Babes
Blisters are Braille for Awesome! #WednesdayWisdom http://fb.me/1Mkfl3xlH
4:23 PM - 23 May 12
P Mark Taylor
Blisters are Braille for “Awesome!” pic.twitter.com/df4akkIj
6:45 AM - 30 Jul 12
Best Race Signs
Blisters are Braille for “AWESOME”
Posted: March 8, 2013 | Author: Jill
(This sign is shown—ed.)
Running Slowly 2 the Finish
Sunday, April 7, 2013
A PR with a Lesson…
One of my favorite signs was “Blisters are braille for Awesome!”
The Adventures of Three Piece and Real Thigh
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
We Are The Champions OR: How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love (tolerate) The Pain
A group of sorority girls around mile 10 held up signs that said “Blisters are braille for ‘Awesome’”. I had never been more motivated to keep on keeping on.
RunningAHEAD Forums
Funny signs you have seen during a race
posted: 5/27/2013 at 5:00 PM
modified: 5/27/2013 at 5:32 PM
“Blisters are Braille for awesome!”