Blamestream Media

“Blamestream media” is a nickname that some have applied to the “mainstream media” (MSM). The term “lamestream media” (cited in print since at least 1999) indicates a lame mainstream media, such as a newspaper that prints what the government says without serious investigation. “Blamestream media,” for example, describes a media source with obvious favoritism (such as Democrat or Republican) that lamely follows its bias and casts blame at a perceived enemy.
The term “blamestream media” has been cited in print since at least February 2006, but became popularized by conservative columnist Michelle Malkin‘s January 12, 2011 story, “Sarah Palin speaks, blamestream media goes wild.”

StriperSurf Forums
02-15-2006, 11:10 AM
Re: Dick Cheney accidentally shot and injured a man
Chuckles…you still fail to answer my question. It’s not like this would not have been reported by the administration, but a civilian spread the word before it could be officially announced. Another example of the blamestream media creating something out of nothing. It amazes me that the libs can keep a straight face while perpetuating a sense of anger over this ordeal.
TheFiringLine Forums
October 19, 2007, 11:52 PM
Of course, you’re not hearing about this at all from the blamestream media except in passing.
6:42:17 AM
Hillary Clinton Launches 2008 White Hous e Bid 
“Man this is gonna suck…if only the Blamestream Media were able to pick up on it…..”
DSM Forums
11-06-2009, 04:19 AM
Re: Fort Hood Shootings
Yup, another FINE EXAMPLE of the worshippers of the so-called “religion of peace”. Of course, you won’t see the blamestream media admit he was a muslim terrorist, which his actions in going on the rampage qualify him for the distinction, just like the DC sniper (whom is about to get “the needle” within a few days).
The Zoo
Blamestream Media
September 2, 2010
by nwmuse
(A political cartoon comparing Fox News ti ither news sources—ed.)
Michelle Malkin
Sarah Palin speaks, blamestream media goes wild
By Michelle Malkin •  January 12, 2011 09:40 AM
They criticized her for not saying anything.
Now, they’ll criticizing her for saying something.
The blamestream media is already up in arms — can we still say that? — over the use of the phrase “blood libel.”