Biocrat (biology + bureaucrat)

“Biocracy” (biology + -cracy) was coined in 1933 by Dr. William Bradford Cannon (1871-1945) of Harvard Medical School. According to an article in the February 10, 1933 Harvard Crimson, “Biocracy likens the human body to the economic system of the world.” The term “biocrat” (biology + bureaucrat) was in used by at least 1935, and a book titled The Biocrats was published in 1970.
“Biocrat” has been infrequently used, being far less popular than a term such as “educrat” (education + bureaucrat).
Wikipedia: Walter Bradford Cannon
Walter Bradford Cannon, M.D. (October 19, 1871 – October 1, 1945) was an American physiologist, professor and chairman of the Department of Physiology at Harvard Medical School. He coined the term fight or flight response, and he expanded on Claude Bernard’s concept of homeostasis. He popularized his theories in his book The Wisdom of the Body, first published in 1932.
The Harvard Crimson
Published: Friday, February 10, 1933
To keep alive the “—cracy” fad which, since the introduction of Technocracy by Howard Scott, has swept over the country, Dr. W. B. Cannon ‘96, George Higgins Professor of Physiology at the Harvard Medical School yesterday gave to interviewers a prepared paper, explaining his new theory of “Biocracy.”
Biocracy likens the human body to the economic system of the world, bringing into account the manner in which the body throws away its waste products, and the way in which it is equipped with two kidneys, extra lung space and other excessive organs which leave a great margin of safety. Dr. Cannon offers a model of tested and reliable performance which, he states, the world may well copy in stabilizing its economic and social pattern.
Google Books
The Foundations of Human Nature:
The study of the person

By John Morris Dorsey
New York, London, Toronto: Longman
Pg. 131:
Gingerbread concepts do not abound in thinking that has a biological core. Biocrats make statesmen; other lawmakers are simply politicians. Biocrats make parents; other home-makers are simply housekeepers. Biocrats make teachers; other instructors are mere informants.
Google Books
What Makes Lives
By Porter Sargent
Boston, MA: P. Sargent
Pg. 222:
No one has promoted this idea of “Biocracy” more intelligently than Walter B. Cannon, the great physiologist. He finds suggestions for the adjustment of the body politic and the secret of economic stabilization in the biologic.
But, Cannon concluded, “The technocrats and the biocrats must wait, because the democrats have the votes.”
Google Books

The Building of Eternal Rome
By Edward Kennard Rand
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press
Pg. 47:
The speaker, Dr. Walter B. Cannon of the Harvard Medical School, preferred to invite our attention to what he called “biocracy,” meaning the economic constitution of the members of the state in one harmonious organism.
OCLC WorldCat record
March of the Biocrats
Edition/Format:  Article
Publication: Nature, v226 n5250 (19700613): 1069-1070
Database: CrossRef
OCLC WorldCat record
The Biocrats.
Author: R Warren
Edition/Format:  Article : English
Publication: Archives of Surgery, v101 n5 (19701101): 640
Database: CrossRef
OCLC WorldCat record
The Biocrats.
Author: Gerald Leach
Publisher: London : Cape, (1970)
Edition/Format:  Book : English
A Biocratic Feeding Frenzy: Economists and Biologists Weigh In
Jurriaan Maessen
February 26, 2012
A study published in Human and Experimental Toxicology in May of 2011 concluded that “nations that require more vaccine doses tend to have higher infant mortality rates.” (page 8).