Billennial (bilingual + millennial)

“Billennial” (bilingual + millennial) was popularized by Univision on July 31, 2014. The term usually refers to a Hispanic bilingual millennial (someone born between the early 1980s and early 2000s who speaks both Spanish and English).  THe Los Angeles (CA) Times popularized the term to a general audience on July 18, 2015, with the article “The billennial generation: how bilingual millennials are changing Spanish-language TV” by Yvonne Villarreal.
“Hispennial” (Hispanic + millennial) is a related term.
Wikipedia: Millennials
Millennials (also known as the Millennial Generation or Generation Y) are the demographic cohort following Generation X. There are no precise dates when the generation starts and ends; most researchers and commentators use birth years ranging from the early 1980s to the early 2000s.
Michael Roston
Millennials aren’t cool.
You know what’s cool?
7:39 AM - 15 Dec 2013
fabio kraemer
depois dos Millennials virão os Billennials. jenho da umanidade.
1:46 PM - 25 Mar 2014
Univision Insights
#bilingualbrain research measured impact of ad and programming language, and effect of Spanglish in ads on #Billennials
1:48 PM - 31 Jul 2014
Yareli Esteban
Univision’s BILINGUAL BRAIN webinar coins new term: #Billennials referring to the intersection between bilinguals & …
3:46 PM - 31 Jul 2014
Hispanic Bilingual Millennials = Billennials. There is no cure for us in Hispanic MarComm. 🎉💃🙊  #jargonBilingue
9:19 PM - 26 Aug 2014
The Wrap
Univision to Double Down on Soccer and ‘Billennials’ in Upcoming Slate
TV | By Itay Hod on May 7, 2015 @ 3:45 pm
Upfronts 2015: The Spanish language broadcaster focuses on young bilingual viewers and sports
Univision announced on Thursday it will focus on content aimed at what it calls “billennials:” millienial-age viewers who are also bilingual.
The Spanish language broadcaster says it will also give advertisers a new way to measure its properties to prove they outperform English-speaking media among Hispanic viewers.
Meet the Billennials: Melissa Alam
By Camilo Rico
June 23, 2015
In this new video series, AL DÍA News Media takes a look at young bilingual millennials making a difference in the city and Philadelphia area
Los Angeles (CA) Times
The billennial generation: how bilingual millennials are changing Spanish-language TV
By Yvonne Villarreal
JULY 18, 2015, 2:00 PM
That presents a challenge for Spanish-language networks in the United States. Rodriguez, of Puerto Rican descent, is part of a generation of bilingual millennials who are gravitating away from the torrid love stories and brassy variety shows that have been popular for decades on Spanish-language TV.
Univision calls this generation “billennials.” And they increasingly consume their media in English.
July 20, 2015
Word of the Week: Billennial
Billennial: A member of the “millennial” generation—born between the 1980s and early 2000s—who is fluent in two languages, usually Spanish and English. A portmanteau of bilingual and millennial. Also an adjective (“billennial generation”).
The Texas-based Spanish-language television network Univision used billennial to describe its 2015-2016 programming, introduced in May at the industry event known as “upfronts.”