Bigger Apple (Manhattan Institute newsletter, 2020-present)

The Manhattan Institute is a conservative American think tank focused on domestic policy and urban affairs, located at 52 Vanderbilt Avenue in Manhattan. In 2020, the Manhattan Institute started publishing a weekly newsletter called Bigger Apple, a name obviously influenced by New York City’s nickname, the Big Apple.
Wikipedia: Manhattan Institute for Policy Research
The Manhattan Institute for Policy Research (renamed in 1981 from the International Center for Economic Policy Studies) is a conservative American think tank focused on domestic policy and urban affairs, established in Manhattan in 1978 by Antony Fisher and William J. Casey, a former CIA director. The institute has produced books, articles, interviews, speeches, op-eds, and the quarterly publication City Journal.
Manhattan Institute   
Bigger Apple by Manhattan Institute
Subscribe to this weekly digest surfacing the latest issues happening in and around New York City. From housing to jobs to mobility, stay tuned for your executive briefing—coming your way every week.
The Beat
We are excited to announce that The Beat will evolve into a weekly digest surfacing the latest issues in and around New York City. From housing to jobs to mobility, stay tuned for your executive “Bigger Apple” briefing—coming your way every week.
Get incisive commentary delivered straight to your inbox to stay on top of the issues that matter to you most. Subscribing to City Journal’s email is free.
12:27 PM · Jan 20, 2020
Brandon Fuller
9M people will live in NYC by 2040. Where will they live? What will they do? How will they get there? We need more NYC: More houses, more jobs, more mobility, more flourishing.
The @ManhattanInst’s Bigger Apple digest will advance the case for growth:
1:23 PM · Jan 24, 2020
Brandon Fuller
9M people will live in New York City by 2040. We need more New York City. More houses, more jobs, more mobility, more flourishing. The Bigger Apple,
@ManhattanInst’s NYC-focused newsletter, is charting the course for growth. Read it here and subscribe
12:21 PM · Jan 27, 2020
Brandon Fuller
Check out this week’s edition of the @ManhattanInst’s Bigger Apple:⁩ Bill de Blasio’s State of the City, the broker fee ban, Comptroller Stringer’s housing plan, property tax reform, and more!
2:51 PM · Feb 7, 2020
Brandon Fuller
The latest edition of @ManhattanInst’s Bigger Apple newsletter: bail reform, Byford, broker fees, and more:
1:55 PM · Feb 14, 2020
Manhattan Institute
Stay up-to-date with our work on New York City by subscribing to our Bigger Apple newsletter:
2:59 PM · Apr 28, 2020
John Barilla
Bigger Apple | Manhattan Institute
2:18 PM · May 14, 2020
高山 美 👅
Bigger Apple | Manhattan Institute
7:27 PM · Jun 1, 2020
Brandon Fuller
“Will the Big Apple be a growing place where all New Yorkers can flourish, or a zero-sum city intent on rationing its legacy to whatever interest group can bend a powerful ear?”
@michael_hendrix leads off @ManhattanInst’s latest Bigger Apple newsletter
4:36 PM · Apr 16, 2021
Brandon Fuller
Check out this week’s edition of The Bigger Apple, @ManhattanInst’s NYC-focused newsletter, for commentary on commercial rent regulation, Rikers, the perils of de-gentrification, and more
5:24 PM · Sep 17, 2021
Brandon Fuller
State budget delays put NYC in a pinch but there is much the @NYCMayor
can do to find savings in the city’s budget even as Albany drags its feet. Read the latest edition of @ManhattanInst’s
Bigger Apple newsletter
3:28 PM · Apr 21, 2023