Big Crapple

For those who think "the Big Apple" is a load of crap, there's always "the Big Crapple."
The Big Crapple?
Around The Weird: Bizarre News Briefs
2003-09-16 00:00:00 - New York, NY
Maybe New York should be called the "Big Crapple." According to a survey by the American Society for Microbiology, 41 percent of travelers never bother to wash their hands in the city's restrooms. By comparison, only 4 percent of visitors to Toronto forget to wash their hands.
Sunday, March 12, 2006
NYC Culinary Adventure
So we're in New York (or the Big Crapple) this weekend.
June 05, 2006
Homeland Security Makes NYC Out to Be Big Crapple

(Google Groups)
What's a Hoagie?
... of real disappointment. -- Lorrie -- did one year and six months hard time in the Big Crapple, and spent every summer in Philly. - Dec 20 1994, 8:11 pm by Lorrie Wood

(Google Groups)
Mancow's show on Monday morn
... Anyway, it sounds like a really boring show. I hope Mancow doesn't change his tune and forget that he's the one who continually called NYC the "Big Crapple". ... - Feb 5 1996, 12:15 pm by Troy Hakala - 83 messages - 18 authors