BelDel (Below Delancey, or “Belancey”)

"BelDel" is a recent Manhattan neighborhood nickname for "Below Delancey" (or, "Belancey"). Not everyone likes this one.
Micro-Neighborhood Names: Corlears Hook
Friday, May 21, 2004, by Lockhart

Continuing on the neighborhood names tangent, posters to the Co-Op Community Forum (located deep on the Lower East Side) have engaged in a running three-month debate about what to call their neighborhood. Among the suggestions:

TAB - triangle between the bridges
SoBo - South Broome
SoSo - South Soho
BelDel - Below Delancey
BBV - between Baruch and Vladek
FDR Drive Left Side
The Far East
Upper Madison - "to be confused with Upper Madison"
Little Willie
Pricing the BelDel Apartment Market
Wednesday, June 30, 2004, by Lockhart

Continuing Co-Op Village day on Curbed, we revisit the community's message boards, where posters debate the monetary value that renovations add to their apartments. Poster lesvet offers insight on the general market Below Delancey on the Lower East Side:
Crossing Belancey
Monday, December 13, 2004, by Lockhart

Haven't had a good neighborhood naming debate 'round these parts for, oh, at least a few days. So comes blogger John Ball to craft a new moniker for the Below Delancey swath of the Lower East Side:

For my neighborhood, my home, I offer this new name, "Belancey." Of course, meaning Below Delancey. I also like the shortened version, "Bancy." Use either one. Tell your local leaders and real estate mavens, trend spotters and LES weblog writers. Belancey, or Bancy, whichever.

We were always partial to BelDel ourselves, but hey, whatever works.
LES's Jarmulovsky Going Hotel?
Thursday, August 25, 2005, by Joey
The BelDel section of Orchard has flirted with hotelery before, so we'll wait and see on this one. We'd hate to think that the immediate future of Happy Shabu Shabu—located at ground-level—could be in jeopardy. You do not want to see an unhappy shabu shabu. Not a pretty sight.
Curbed Reader Poll: Hot 'Hoods, Cold Shoulder
Friday, January 27, 2006, by Joey

In the Eat Out section of this week's Time Out New York, there's a full-page story (and detailed map!) on the area "poised to become the next It neighborhood." This nabe is undergoing a "flurry of construction," and many bars and restaurants have recently opened. Local business owners are already decrying surging rents and an onslaught of developers. Can you guess what neighborhood TONY is talking about? Of course you can't, so we'll just tell you: it's Below Delancey, aka BelDel. BelDel joins the growing list of recently media-hyped micronabes—a list that includes the Post's triumphing of Two Bridges and the Times' consistent harping on SoBro.
As is true with many newly trendy New York neighborhoods, an array of names have been proposed for the Lower East Side. LoHo, which Mr. Goldman thought up with a friend one Saturday afternoon, has been used in newspaper headlines and grant proposals. Another recent entrant is BelDel, which describes a 12-block area below Delancey Street and above Canal Street.

Since BelDel appeared in a Time Out New York article two weeks ago, that name has sparked griping. "Who said we were BELDEL?" complained one poster on Co-Op Village Online, a neighborhood message board. "BELDEL GoHEL!"

The real-estate blog Curbed, which itself has used the name on occasion, dismissed BelDel as an "annoyingly press-prodded microhood."