“Beer contains Vitamin Pee”

“Beer contains Vitamin Pee” is a jocular saying that has been printed on many gift items, such as T-shirts, posters and bumper stickers. “Beer is Highly Nutritious. It’s Packed With Vitamin Pee” has been cited in print since at least 1989.
Urine has been called “vitamin pee” since at least 1999.
Urban Dictionary
vitamin pee
anything that is likely to make a person pee a lot
Beer is loaded with vitamin pee.
by Michael_Hunt May 18, 2008
24 December 1989, Buffalo (NY) News, “Who Cares? As long as it sells” by Tom Ernst:
The humor is so subtle (“Beer is Highly Nutritious. It’s Packed With Vitamin Pee”) that it will be over the heads of people less sophisticated than you.
31 August 1997, Chicago (IL) Sun-Times, “Green Bay fans show their true colors” by ‎Carol Slezak, pg. 7:
If you drive a truck, it must sport three Packers bumper stickers, a Harley sticker and a “Beer contains Vitamin Pee” bumper sticker.
Village Voice (New York, NY)
Body Check
Tuesday, Jan 26 1999
Vitamin Pee
Urine is a natural remedy, so raise a glass! That’s what alternative therapist Martin Lara wants everyone to do. In his Uropathy: The Most Powerful Holistic Therapy, pee’s the ultimate cure-all.
Google Groups: rec.models.scale
David O. Garcia
Beer contains Vitamin Pee.
18 February 2005, Dallas (TX) Morning News, “Hey, bartender!” by Sarah Unger:
Favorite bar joke: It’s really cheesy, but I heard it at the bar one night.
“What vitamin is in alcohol?”
“Vitamin Pee.”
Google Books
Fundamentals of Sport and Exercise Nutrition
By Marie Dunford
Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics
Pg. 85:
Beer contains Vitamin Pee.
Author unknown
It’s a Beer Pleasure!
“Beer Contains Vitamin Pee..” - NYE Party Idea Number Fail
Since my blog is about beers, pubs and awesomeness, I have decided to make my maiden entry about the awesomeness bit of it.