Beducator (bed + educator)

Beducator = Bed + Educator.

This word comes from the New York (NY) Post -- a newspaper that often runs sensational stories.

14 April 2005, New York (NY) Post, pp. 1-2:
Second HS beducator exposed
It seems sex education is a hands-on course at the HS for Health Professions and Human Services - city officials yesterday revealed charges of a second affair between a female educator and a teen student at the school in as many days.

Education officials are looking to fire guidance counselor Samantha Solomon for allegedly having sexual trysts with a male student at the Gramercy Park school - just as 25-year-old teacher Rhianna Ellis (left) became pregnant by an 18-year-old student, as The Post reported exclusively yesterday.

Department of Education spokesman Keith Kalb said that Solomon, 29, has been working in a regional office since last month, when schools investigators began probing reports that she had a relationship with a 17-year-old male student.

Urban Dictionary
a teacher (male or female) that has sex with their students.
Following in the footsteps of MaryKay Le Tourneau, another beducator has been busted for having sex with a student.
by Kiki Dee August 17, 2005