Banned Parenthood (Planned Parenthood nickname)

Planned Parenthood is an organization that provides reproductive health and maternal and child health services.  Planned Parenthood has been nicknamed “Banned Parenthood” by those who believe the organization mostly promotes contraception, sterilization and abortion. The nickname “Banned Parenthood” has been cited in print since at least 2004.
Other Planned Parenthood nicknames include “Planned Barrenhood,” “Planned Butcherhood,” “Planned Frankenhood” and “Planned Predators.”
Wikipedia: Planned Parenthood
Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA), commonly shortened to Planned Parenthood, is the U.S. affiliate of the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) and one of its larger members. PPFA is a non-profit organization providing reproductive health and maternal and child health services. The Planned Parenthood Action Fund, Inc. (PPAF) is a related organization which lobbies for pro-choice legislation, comprehensive sex education, and access to affordable health care in the United States. In recent years, Planned Parenthood has begun to move away from the pro-choice label to words and phrases that more accurately reflect the entire range of women’s health and economic issues.
Planned Parenthood is the largest U.S. provider of reproductive health services, including cancer screening, HIV screening and counseling, contraception, and abortion. Contraception accounts for 34% of PPFA’s total services and abortions account for 3%; PPFA conducts roughly 300,000 abortions each year, among 3 million people served.
Operation Save America
Walking Through Bleeding Kansas
By Fr Francis
Posted May 18, 2004
Just hung up from a phone conversation with Pastor Rusty Thomas who with Pastor Flip Benham and some brethren are walking across America . I had heard they were in the eye of one of those big Kansas Plains storms and called to see if and how they were still ticking. They were warned off the road by local weather-watching officers. A church offered them basement hospitality and they experienced the hail, lightning and thunder but thankfully escaped the devil’s Tornado twisters. He said that today in Hays Kansas they turned a corner and stumbled upon a Planned Parenthood [aka Banned Parenthood or Planned Barrenhood] and immediately went into Church-On-The-Street mode, preaching against the demons of child-sacrifice. Whereupon 8 police cars suddenly showed up to protect the child-killers.
Topic: Eugenics - Improving Humanity Through Good Breeding and Genocide 
By jlmartin at 2007-03-30 01:15
Margaret Sanger, friend of Nazis and founder of the genocidal Planned Parenthood (a.k.a. “Planned Barrenhood” or “Banned Parenthood”)
Justin Stroh
Can you believe Hillary Clinton?  Visits Guadelupe then receives the “Maggie” from Banned Parenthood!
1:35 PM - 1 Apr 2009
Ahhh….banned parenthood….where having an abortion is safer than having a baby.
10:07 AM - 11 Dec 2009
Joe Sellati
92% abortion rate for Planned Parenthood clients? This place should be called #Banned Parenthood. #prochoice ??
7:03 AM - 3 Feb 2013
@BarracudaMama Ah…I’ve always called them Banned Parenthood…same diff…
3:27 PM - 24 Dec 2014
Real Conservatives
Posted by Raya @ REAL CONSERVATIVES on July 16, 2015 at 8:30am
should be
Fox News
Banned Parenthood? Pro-lifers say video scandal should get abortion provider expelled from public schools
By Perry Chiaramonte Published July 26, 2015
The hidden camera scandal engulfing Planned Parenthood should be enough to get the organization kicked out of public schools, where it is the nation’s leading provider of sex ed lessons, say pro-life groups that have long suspected the nonprofit of steering youngsters toward its abortion services.
Jesse Carr
Shouldn’t it be called “Banned Parenthood”? #DefundPlannedParenthood
12:23 PM - 28 Jul 2015
@thehill “Planned Parenthood. Care. Anything but.”
Or as someone else has said “Banned Parenthood” or “Planned Barrenhood”
5:20 PM - 3 Aug 2015