Banktatorship (bank + dictatorship)

“Banktatorship” (bank + dictatorship) has been cited in print since at least December 2008, when a poster used the term on the Silver Investor Community Discussion Forums. The term “banktatorship” was popularized in September 2011, when a widely reprinted article by Mike Whitney stated, “Merkel is a devout Europhile committed to a fiscal union ruled by bankers and bondholders, a Banktatorship.”
One website made “banktatorship” a Word of the Day on September 30, 2011, with the definition “Banktatorship: n. Autocratic rule by bankers.”
Silver Investor Community Discussion Forums
5th December 2008, 18:57
They also need to be RELENTLESSLY reminded that the founders were right in rejecting a banktatorship and that the French were right to behead the inhuman oppressor that was causing their economic woes.
Silver Investor Community Discussion Forums
10th December 2008, 13:26
All those letters I wrote to my reps about the bail-out… that was their excuse for voting in favor of the banktatorship. They’re either incredibly stupid to think workers, retirees, home-owners etc can be protected that way or they’re incredibly malicious.
Eurasia Review
Say “No” To Euro-TARP – OpEd
Written by: Mike Whitney
September 3, 2011
The Bundestag will have one chance to stop Angela Merkel’s plan to provide hundreds of billions of dollars to underwater EU banks that made bad bets on sovereign bonds. If the German parliament fails to block Merkel on September 23, then–under the expanded powers of the the European Financial Security Facility ( EFSF)– insolvent banks will be bailed out and the costs will be passed on to eurozone taxpayers.
Despite her populist bloviating (“We won’t be bullied by the markets”), Merkel is a devout Europhile committed to a fiscal union ruled by bankers and bondholders, a Banktatorship.
The Smirking Chimp
Merkel’s push for Eurozone Banktatorship
by Mike Whitney | September 4, 2011 - 11:18am
The Bundestag will have one chance to stop Angela Merkel’s plan to provide hundreds of billions of dollars to underwater EU banks that made bad bets on sovereign bonds. If the German parliament fails to block Merkel on September 23, then—under the “expanded powers” of the the European Financial Security Facility (EFSF)—insolvent banks will be bailed out and the costs will be passed on to eurozone taxpayers.
B.S. Footprint
Word of the day: Banktatorship
Submitted by bsfootprint on Fri, 09/30/2011 - 18:17
Today’s word of the day: Banktatorship.
Banktatorship: n. Autocratic rule by bankers.
Stash this one for future reference. It’s starting to look like it’ll be useful.
Source: Picked up this gem in a thread over on
Zero Hedge
Guest Post: Another Empty Obama Promise
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/16/2012 11:07 -0400
Lord Blankcheck
Mon, 04/16/2012 - 11:54