Bankerette (female banker)

“Bankerette” is an infrequent and usually jocular term for a female banker. The term “bankerette” has been cited in print since 1919.
(Oxford English Dictionary)
-ette, suffix
Used to denote a female, as in MAJORETTE, SUFFRAGETTE, USHERETTE.
1921 H. L. MENCKEN Amer. Lang. (ed. 2) vi. 187 The wide use of the suffix -ette in such terms as farmerette, conductorette,..usherette and huskerette, is due to the same effort to make one word do the work of two.
1939 New Yorker 11 Nov., The girls employed to annoy visitors to some kind of Chamber of Commerce festival in Southern California will be called welcomettes.
1942 in Amer. Speech (1943) XVIII. 147 Roosevelt Signs ‘Sailorette’ Bill… Usherette in theater… Chicago tries ‘Copettes’.
23 May 1919, Tulsa (OK) World, pg. 1:
Mrs. R. F. Ellinger of Noble,
First Bankerette to Win
Office in Association.

7 June 1920, Fort Worth (TX) Star-Telegram, pg. 14 photo story:
Dallas Bankerettes on Outing at Lake Worth Camp
Here’s some argument on “Why I SHould Be a Banker.” Every one of the girls in the upper photos are bankerettes. They are employed in the Federal Reserve Bank at Dallas.
20 March 1923, Columbus (GA) Ledger-Enquirer, pg. 2:
Mrs. H. D. Reed, shown here, is the first woman elected to the board of governors of the American Institute of Banking. She’s chairman of the Washington (D. C.) chapter of the organization’s woman’s committee.
Peak Performance
Monday, February 13, 2006
The power in your habits of thought
Years ago when I was still a bankerette (my husband’s term) and new to the world of personal development I saw a video featuring Earl Nightingale, one of the first big names in motivation and personal development. In the video he said, “We become what we think about most of the time.”
Feminist Discussion Group
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Waitress/Stewardess argument
I am totally happy to take on this argument, because it is a totally “PC” related issue that is actually a bit more important than it would seem.
Jobs that have always been traditionally male have never had this problem, so as women FINALLY make their way up the ladder of career success there is no preexisting name to denote gender. I mean, no one has ever heard of an investment bankerette? Or a divorce lawyeress?
Weasel Zippers
Surgically enhanced bankerette retains Gloria Alred
Posted by Weasel Master on Tuesday, June 15, 2010, at 12:24 PM