Aporkalypse (apocalypse + pork)

The term “aporkalypse” (apocalypse + pork) became widely used in 2009, when there were fears of a deadly swine flu virus. The New York Times listed “aporkalypse” as one of its “buzzwords of 2009,” but the swine flu fears were mostly overstated.
In September 2012, “aporkalypse” meant a possible worldwide bacon shortage. Comedy Central’s The Colbert Report did a segment on the coming “aporkalypse,” further popularizing the term. Here, also, the apocalyptic pork threats were largely exaggerated.
Mondo Bondo Weblog
It’s HAM-AGEDDON ! ...or the Aporkalypse.
Pig flu an STD??
NBC News
Mexico turns to humor, creativity to endure flu
City adjusts to anti-flu campaign with TV, customized masks and Facebook

updated 5/1/2009 6:08:26 PM ET
MEXICO CITY — Televisa is cutting all “nonessential” kisses from its soap operas. A song called the “Influenza Cumbia” is climbing the charts. Cringe-worthy swine flu jokes are spreading faster than the illness ever could.
There might not be much traffic on Mexico City’s streets, but gallows humor about what some call “The Aporkalypse” has been circulating around the metropolis.
New York (NY) Times
The Buzzwords of 2009
Published: December 19, 2009
Undue worry in response to swine flu. Includes unnecessary acts like removing nonessential kisses from Mexican telenovelas and the mass slaughter of pigs in Egypt.
Yahoo! News
Aporkalypse Not Now: Bacon Shortage Exaggerated, Experts Say
By Life’s Little Mysteries Staff | LiveScience.com – Wed, Sep 26, 2012
Can you imagine a world where there is no other white meat? If skyrocketing use of the term “aporkalypse” on Twitter is any indication, a recent statement from the United Kingdom’s National Pig Association is causing some anxious consumers to do just that.
The Huffington Post
Colbert Talks Aporkalypse, Suggests Building Underground Shelter To Survive (VIDEO)
Posted: 09/27/2012 12:10 pm
Okay, so we sort of freaked a lot of people out with the news of the coming aporkalypse. First of all, we’d like to tell you not to worry so much—it’s probably not coming.
We could have guessed that Stephen Colbert was going to weigh in on the potentially looming pork crisis though. He makes a very valid point, “We’re all going to die…much later than we thought thanks to the reduced salt and nitrates in our diet.”
Nonetheless, he has a plan. “I am presently building an underground shelter and stocking it with all the salted hog meat I can find,” he says.
Business Insider
Five Super Bowl Snacks Fans Will Pay More For This Year
Megan Durisin | Jan. 30, 2013, 1:36 PM
Bacon. In case you were planning on taking a stab at your own Bacon Bowl, you might want to set aside a few extra bucks. The threat of a worldwide bacon “Aporkalypse” might have been exaggerated last fall, but that doesn’t mean the price surge on the meat lovers’ favorite has died down yet. Experts predict the price tag on bacon will soar this year.