Anyone Can Come (Austin Community College/ACC nickname)

Austin Community College (ACC) is not as prestigious as another school of higher learning in the city of Austin—the University of Texas. Some have written that “ACC” stands for “Anyone Can Come.”
About Austin Community College
As one of only 50 community college districts in Texas, Austin Community College provides access to high-quality education at affordable tuition rates. ACC offers university transfer curriculum, technical certificate programs, two-year associate degrees, foundation skills and English as a Second Language courses, and a highly diverse Continuing Education program. - Christina- 27- Female
I transferred to The University of Texas (Hook ‘em Horns!!!!) after completing most of my general requirements at Austin Community College (also known as Anyone Can Come.)
Random thoughts at random times
Thursday night
Published by Rafael on May 12, 2007
My favorite people were these two brothers. One of them graduated from ACC, aka Austin Community College, or Anyone Can Come.
StudentsReview: Austin Community College
Oct 28 2007 ACT → SAT → 
ACC stands for Anyone Can Come. It is a community college, so everyone is admitted. - Mari aka PRINCESA - 30 - Female - Austin, TEXAS
Jan 17 2008 2:13 PM
No not for her she don’t start school for another 2 years. I’m going to Anyone Can Come. haha - tien - Male - Austin, Texas
Feb 4 2008 7:14 PM
Anyone Can Come