“Annoy a politician today—THINK”

“Annoy a politician today—THINK” has been a bumper sticker slogan since at least 1995. The bumper sticker has been sold by Instant Attitudes since at least that date and the saying might have started with this firm; a difficult-to-read copyright date on the bumper sticker appears to show “1987.”
Instant Attitudes
BS104 - Annoy a politician today - THINK
(bumper sticker)

Google Groups: rec.arts.sf.fandom
163. Russell Ault
June 28, 1995
Annoy a politician today.  THINK. 
Russ Ault
Instant Attitudes
(proudly offending everyone with obnoxious buttons since 1992.  If you haven’t been offended yet, you haven’t read the catalog very closely.)
The Firing Line Forums
December 19, 2000, 04:56 AM
Bumper Stickers that Offend
by Michael Z. Williamson
These bumper stickers are designed to offend the liberals, outrage the politicians, and line my pocket with cash. And as a special bonus, 10% of all purchases will go to KeepAndBearArms.com. (No, KABA isn’t necessarily agreeing with all of these statements, but I am, so send me your order so we can support KABA in one more way - and stick ‘em in all the right places.) Read and enjoy, ordering instructions are below.

The Tickling Media Forums
04-13-2004, 08:49 PM
Sigh..political bumper stickers are a dime a dozen hun…There is one for every occasion as long as someone can make a buck….
A politician should do two terms - one in office and one in jail
An honest politician is one who, when he is bought, will stay bought.
Annoy a liberal. Work hard and smile.
Annoy a politician today. THINK!
Lucid Nonsense
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Annoy a politician today – THINK
Just read this article about the US middle east policy as seen from the perspective of two former US policy experts who no longer work for the White House.
you got to be kidding’s blog
Political One-Liners
~ by yougottobekidding on November 11, 2010.
- Annoy a politician today: THINK