Angertainment (anger+ entertainment)

“Angertainment” is a portmanteau term from the words “anger” and “entertainment.” Political radio and television programs on Fox News and CNBC and talk radio can draw ratings because they create anger, both in agreement or disagreement.
“In this age of ‘angertainment,’ the absence of rage commanded attention” was printed in the Pittsburgh (PA) Post-Gazette on March 12, 2000. “The ‘Right Wing Wacko Media’ can get a few thousand miles off of this with conspiracy theories. (Angertainment)” was posted on the newsgroup ba.broadcast on April 23, 2000. “I’m coining a new term, ‘angertainment’, inspired by FoxNews and MSNBC.  There is a lot of anger out there, and millionaires fan the flames” was posted on X/Twitter by Sir_Toby_Belch on December 15, 2010.
Angertainment (n.) Something that is entertaining because of how pissed off it makes you. A treatment for the numbness brought on by the Internet Age” was entered in the Urban Dictionary on August 6, 2008.
Wiktionary: angertainment
Blend of anger + entertainment.
1. (derogatory) Programming, especially talk shows and talk radio, which is characterized by anger or which provokes anger in its audience.
12 March 2000, Pittsburgh (PA) Post-Gazette, “Try harder to abate hate” by Brian O’Neill, pg. B-1, col. 1:
In this age of “angertainment,” the absence of rage commanded attention.
Google Groups: ba.broadcast
Elian’s capture/rescue and the MEDIA.
Michael Maxfield
Apr 23, 2000, 3:00:00 AM
1) The “Right Wing Wacko Media” can get a few thousand miles off of this with conspiracy theories. (Angertainment)
Urban Dictionary
(n.) Something that is entertaining because of how pissed off it makes you. A treatment for the numbness brought on by the Internet Age.
Fred: I’m gonna head home and watch some O’Reilly.
Bill: But you hate O’Reilly. You’re just gonna punch through your wall again.
Fred: I have to. Angertainment is the only thing that makes me feel alive anymore…

by Samson III August 6, 2008
Google Groups: alt.politics
FOX Baby Jesus Haters
Don Albasani
Dec 6, 2009, 2:39:35 PM
Angertainment: What Fox News and talk radio offer. It’s a vehicle through which old, retired white men who have Medicare, Social Security, a McMansion, an RV and a nice power boat can express their rage at the fact that these liberals, atheists, black people, illegal immigrants, gays and women have robbed them of something in their imaginations.
23 December 2009, Chicago (IL) Tribune, “Solutions for a nation stuck in low gear” by John McCarron, sec. 1, pg. 23, col. 5:
Here in the media, meanwhile, much of what used to be called journalism has morphed into “angertainment,” which is to say a bunch of shouting over who’s to blame for this future of less.
I’m coining a new term, “angertainment”, inspired by FoxNews and MSNBC.  There is a lot of anger out there, and millionaires fan the flames.
8:38 PM · Dec 15, 2010
{ * }
Wow. Lots of people watch TV & get angry about it. Anger as a form of entertainment. #Angertainment. #stuffidontdo
7:16 AM · Mar 21, 2011
Nate Garvis
@waitwait I heard your convo on the outrage industry (which I’ve coined “angertainment) & wanted to share this w/ you:
1:17 PM · Dec 8, 2012
I blame the ANGERTAINMENT promoted by all the right wing media and parroted by the GOP members to rile up their base.  (BTW, Adam Frisch coined that phrase & could use your support to beat Boebert!)
7:00 AM · Oct 29, 2022
Diane Sikes 🟧
I just read an article that said Adam Frisch, Lauren Bobert’s opponent, wildly overperformed expectations by asking voters whether they were tired of Boebert’s brand of “angertainment.”
LOVE IT! A new word coined for the GOP “governing style!”
12:59 AM · Nov 26, 2022
303 🇺🇦🙏💙🇺🇦
It’s called “angertainment” … a word coined by @AdamForColorado
8:32 PM · Dec 22, 2022
Malcolm Turnbull has coined the term ‘angertainment’ for the business model Sky and the Murdoch media use harnessing the stoked anger of outrage the various ‘journalists’ provoke in the consuming class
Recognise yourselves in this cohort you absorbers of Sky thinking
11:24 PM · Sep 22, 2023 from Melbourne, Victoria
Professor Buzzkill History Podcast
Crikey, who coined “angertainment” to describe #FoxNews
and their ilk? Just heard it for the first time.
@FoxNews @DecodingFoxNews #politics #history #media
5:39 PM · Sep 23, 2023
Ellen Atkinson
Please take a minute & watch as conser Kat Mammack explains how Repubs are deceiving us for “angertainment” in order to receive campaign funds. Procedural vote vs actual vote on Ukraine bill. Very informative!
Wall Street Apes
Congress Rep Kat Cammack On American Government
“My God, the BS that I have heard in the last 24 hours once again has been unreal”
“There are so many members of Congress lying to you. And they’re lying to you about things that they’re hoping you don’t find out about”
“This is
Show more
4:09 AM · Apr 24, 2024