“And on the eighth day God made coffee” (“And on the 8th day God made coffee”)

“And on the 8th day God made coffee” (or “And on the eighth day God made coffee”) is a coffee saying that has been printed on many images. According to the Genesis creation narrative, God created the heavens and the earth in six days and rested on the seventh day.
”...  and a small coffee lovers wall calendar e.g.. On the 7th day God made coffee, so he could get through Monday” was posted on the newsgroup alt.games.diablo on December 30, 1999. “I do have an associate at work (I believe you know who I’m talking about.) who swears that on the eighth day…God made coffee” was posted on the newsgroup rec.radio.amateur.policy on September 10, 2001.
Wikipedia: Genesis creation narrative 
Six days of Creation: Genesis 1:3–2:3
God’s first act was the creation of undifferentiated light; dark and light were then separated into night and day, their order (evening before morning) signifying that this was the liturgical day; and then the Sun, Moon and stars were created to mark the proper times for the festivals of the week and year. Only when this is done does God create man and woman and the means to sustain them (plants and animals). At the end of the sixth day, when creation is complete, the world is a cosmic temple in which the role of humanity is the worship of God.
Seventh day: divine rest
“And the heaven and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. 2 And on the seventh day God finished His work which He had made; and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had made. 3 And God blessed the seventh day, and hallowed it; because that in it He rested from all His work which God in creating had made.”
Google Groups: alt.games.diablo
All my loot
Ashen Shugar
(...) and a small coffee lovers wall calendar e.g.. On the 7th day God made coffee, so he could get through Monday.
Google Groups: rec.radio.amateur.policy
FCC inspections
Mark Pearsal
I do have an associate at work (I believe you know who I’m talking about.) who swears that on the eighth day…God made coffee. 😊
Google Groups: rec.radio.amateur.policy
Bert Craig
You have to understand, I truly believe that on the 8th day, God made coffee. 😊
Marc Stevens
RT: @nickastevens - And on the eighth day, God made coffee, and Man was alert. And it was good. - Amen brother!
3:51 PM · Mar 5, 2009·Twitter Web Client
Christian Nambayan
On the 8th day, God made coffee
11:20 AM · Mar 29, 2009·Twitter Web Client
Chris Gamio
And on the 4th day God made coffee and life was moderately more bearable.
2:22 PM · Jul 23, 2009·Twitter Web Client
Rebecca Roth
Replying to @HistoryOfCoffee
@HistoryOfCoffee ...and on the 8th day, God made coffee. And God saw that it was good.
10:06 AM · Jul 30, 2009·Twitter Web Client
And on the eighth day, god made coffee, and it was good. Way to go big guy, you da man.
8:23 AM · Aug 21, 2009·Twitter Web Client
and then, on the eighth day, god made coffee, and it was fucking delicious.
11:55 AM · Sep 11, 2009·T3616115"witter Web Client
jim werner
On the seventh day, God made coffee; added hazlenut to it, then rested. That’s the part Genesis left out.
10:55 AM · Sep 20, 2009·Twitter Web Client
Beth Moore
It’s Monday again.
Not my best friend.
It’s rude & makes me snarky.
Still get your buns up!
Go grab a cup.
On the 8th day God made coffee.
9:05 AM · Oct 5, 2015·Twitter for iPhone
Todd Starnes is with Susan Traver and 45 others.
April 24, 2016 ·
On the eighth day God made coffee…
Andronicas Coffee
July 18, 2018 ·
And on the 7th day, God made coffee!
Posted by u/jiohdi1960 September 2, 2019
on the 8th day God made Coffee