“Anarcho-Tyranny—the worst of both worlds”

“Anarcho-Tyranny—the worst of both worlds” has been sold as a bumper sticker saying by Zazzle since June 28, 2010. The saying appears to be derived from comments made by anti-capitalist paleoconservative columnist Samuel T. Francis (1947-2005) in 1997:
“The new laws are rather perfect instances of what I have previously called “anarcho-tyranny” – a form of government that seems to be unknown in history until recently. Anarcho-tyranny is a combination of the worst features of anarchy and tyranny at the same time.”
“Under anarchy, crime is permitted and criminals are not apprehended or punished. Under tyranny, innocent citizens are punished. Most societies in the past have succumbed to to either one or the other, but never as far as I know to both at once.”
“The result of anarcho-tyranny is that government swells in power, criminals are not controlled, and law-abiding citizens wind up being repressed by the state and attacked by thugs.”

Wikipedia: Samuel T. Francis
Samuel Todd Francis (April 29, 1947 – February 15, 2005), known as Sam Francis, was an iconoclastic anti-capitalist paleoconservative columnist, nationally syndicated in America, known for his controversial views on immigration, multiculturalism, miscegenation, and his involvement in debates concerning other controversial issues of the day. His supporters characterized him as a conservative and a realist, while to his critics he was a reactionary and a racist. Francis was also a leading political theorist of paleoconservatism; among his better-known stances was his claim that the Iraq War was illegitimate.
Sam Francis Mentioned In The American Spectator
By James Fulford on August 9, 2006 at 2:07pm
In 1997 Sam Francis called anarcho-tyranny

“a form of government that seems to be unknown in history until recently. Anarcho-tyranny is a combination of the worst features of anarchy and tyranny at the same time.

Under anarchy, crime is permitted and criminals are not apprehended or punished. Under tyranny, innocent citizens are punished. Most societies in the past have succumbed to either one or the other, but never as far as I know to both at once.”

Covenant Zone
Monday, November 17, 2008
Anarcho-tyranny, part three.
Samuel Francis presents us with a view of a world of the worst of both worlds, a world of anarcho-tyranny:
“Anarcho-tyranny” - a form of government that seems to be unknown in history until recently. Anarcho-tyranny is a combination of the worst features of anarchy and tyranny at the same time.
anarcho-tyranny the worst of both worlds bumper sticker
Product Details
Product id: 128602671982849030
Made on 6/28/2010 2:02 PM
White Nationalist Think Tank
Welcoming the Police State
Posted on November 19, 2011 by Ryu
AWM says:
November 19, 2011 at 9:56 pm
“The new laws are rather perfect instances of what I have previously called “anarcho-tyranny” – a form of government that seems to be unknown in history until recently. Anarcho-tyranny is a combination of the worst features of anarchy and tyranny at the same time.
“Under anarchy, crime is permitted and criminals are not apprehended or punished. Under tyranny, innocent citizens are punished. Most societies
in the past have succumbed to to either one or the other, but never as far as I know to both at once.”
“The result of anarcho-tyranny is that government swells in power, criminals are not controlled, and law-abiding citizens wind up being repressed by the state and attacked by thugs.”
All quotes from the late, great Sam Francis.