“An attractive woman took a seat next to me at a bar…” (joke)

An all-too-real bar joke was posted on Reddit—Jokes on June 14, 2017:
“An attractive woman took a seat next to me at a bar last night…and brought it to a table of friends.”
An attractive woman took a seat next to me at a bar last night
submitted June 14, 2017 by InJpnHrtSrgn1StdyHnd
and brought it to a table of friends.
An attractive woman took a seat next to me at a bar last night
June 13, 2017 Editor’s Pick (The date is after the date above, which is UK time.—ed.)
Brata George‏
An attractive woman took a seat next to me at a bar last night and brought it to a table of friends. #smile #reddit #jokes
4:12 PM - 14 Jun 2017
John Roe‏
An attractive woman took a seat next to me at a bar last night
and brought it to a table of friends.
6:00 PM - 14 Jun 2017
Jan Schill‏
An attractive woman took a seat next to me at a bar last night
and brought it to a table of friends.
-from Reddit-
7:09 PM - 14 Jun 2017