“An amateur photographer worries about equipment…” (photography aphorism)

Entry in progress—B.P,
What do you worry about the most?
Robert McCurley , Apr 08, 2005; 09:44 a.m.
This quote was posted by a fellow member in my camera club’s forum ...
The Amateur worries about equipment. The Pro worries about money. The Master worries about the light.
As I think about the best photos I’ve ever made, it’s true that the best were made when the main thing on my mind was the light.
Canon Digital Photography Forums 
Digital Immaturity.
30th of August 2007 (Thu)
A favorite quote of mine that is relavant here:
An amatuer is concerned with equipment
A pro is concerned with money
A master is concerned with light
Therefore, those on this forum who are So concerned with gear are rank amatuers, myself included
Markus Hartel
Not sure who coined this quote “An amateur photographer worries about equipment. A pro worries about money. A master worries about light.”
8:03 PM - 1 Oct 13