American Communist Lovers Union (American Civil Liberties Union nickname)

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) was founded in 1920, with the mission “to defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties guaranteed to every person in this country by the Constitution and laws of the United States.” Some critics claim that the ACLU is anti-American and pro-communist, calling the organization the “American Communist Lovers Union.”
“It is my personal opinion that the ACLU should change its name and be known as the American Communist Lovers Union” was printed in The Daily News Journal (Murfreesboro, TN) on November 27, 1984. “Not everybody likes the ACLU. I’ve heard it called the American Communist Lovers Union, the Anti-Christian Lawyers Union, and worse” was printed in the Arkansas Democrat (Little Rock, AR) on January 19, 1990.
Other ACLU nicknames include “American Criminal Liberties Union” (cited in print since at least 1977), “American Criminal Lovers Union” (cited in print since at least 1981) and “American Communist Lawyers Union” (cited in print since at least 1982).
ACLU “anti-Christian” nicknames include “Anti-Christian Litigation Union” (cited in print since at least 1980), “Anti-Christian Lawyers Union” (cited in print since at least 1982), “Anti-Christian Liberals Union” (cited in print since at least 1984), “Anti-Christian Lawsuit Union” (cited in print since at least 1988) and Anti-Christian Litigation Unit” (cited in print since at least 1991).
Wikipedia: American Civil Liberties Union
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is a nonprofit organization whose stated mission is “to defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties guaranteed to every person in this country by the Constitution and laws of the United States.” Officially nonpartisan, the organization has been supported and criticized by liberal and conservative organizations alike.
27 November 1984, The Daily News Journal (Murfreesboro, TN), “Letter: ACLU should change name,” pg. 4, col. 4:
It is my personal opinion that the ACLU should change its name and be known as the American Communist Lovers Union, since they seem to want to do everything possible to destroy freedom and Christianity.
Fred Holbrook
19 January 1990, Arkansas Democrat (Little Rock, AR), “For 70 years, ACLU defends Americans’ inalienable rights” by Pat Lynch, pg. 11B, col. 1:
Not everybody likes the ACLU. I’ve heard it called the American Communist Lovers Union, the Anti-Christian Lawyers Union, and worse.
Google Groups:
BILLY CLEGG: Kimmy Stone’s Favorite for Pres!
Board: NEWS BB Subject: CHRISTIAN COALITION Posted: January 03,1995
04:11:42 To: ADAM LEVENSTEIN (AHSG60C) From: BILLY CLEGG (UJJR79A) I researched webster and could not find the word “fascistic” If you are going to call people names, you should at least know how to spell it, also I have not found the word “Force in the Christian Coalition Agenda. They just vote, i.e. the Nov 8 Election. Ha. As for name calling, I have coined the ACLU, the American Communist Lovers Union;in my 1976 Campaign for President in New Hampshire.
Robot J. McCarthy
Red Fascism RT @bidngo American Communist Lovers Union is against anything and everything America stands for-my opinion.
5:00 PM - 7 Feb 2010
25 November 2012, Austin (TX) American-Statesman, “Anybody got eraser that works on granite?” by John Kelso, pg. B7, col. 3:
So has Rep. Ritze heard from the American Civil Liberties Union? “The American Communist Lovers Union?” he said. “No, not any response at all. Should I expect one?”
Patrick Henry
The @ACLU (American Communist Lovers Union) is a joke. They pretend to support free speech while pushing a liberal agenda.
4:34 AM - 16 Jan 2017
Replying to @ACLU_CAP
This is so typical of the #ACLU! “American Communist Lovers Union”
10:18 AM - 20 Apr 2018
Owen Andrews
The Liars At The ACLU Are Libelling The Border Patrol—The Border Surge Kids Weren’t “Abused”, They Were Just Overcrowded
(The American Communist Lovers Union (ACLU))
7:19 AM - 5 Jun 2018