“Amen and awomen”

Entry in progress—BP
“Why do they say ‘amen’ and not ‘awomen’ at the end of songs at church?”/“Because they’re hymns, not hers” is a related joke.
Global News (Canada)
Democrat lawmaker uses gender inclusive ‘amen and awoman’ during congressional prayer
Posted January 4 2021 02:22pm
Democratic Rep. Emanuel Cleaver delivered the opening prayer while opening up the 117th Congress on Sunday and decided to use a gender-neutral “amen and awoman” to close out the prayer. It has since caused criticism online, with some people pointing out that the original “amen” does not refer to gender but means “so be it” in Hebrew.
Urban Dictionary
The time Democrats finally admitted there are only two genders.
Go in peace, amen and awoman!
by MD1117 January 4, 2021
Urban Dictionary
A word made up by Rep. Emanuel Cleaver in his prayer opening the 117th congress on January 3, 2021.
We ask it in the name of the monotheistic god Brahama and god known by many names by many different faiths. Amen and Awoman
by Puffinstuffer January 4, 2021
CNA (Catholic News Agency)
‘Amen’ is not gendered, and ‘A-woman’ is nonsense, Hebrew scholar says
By Christine Rousselle
Washington D.C., Jan 4, 2021 / 17:21 pm
While the word “amen” ends in “men,” like “repairmen” or “handymen,” it is not in reference to a gender, Dr. John Bergsma of the Franciscan University of Steubenville said to CNA on Monday. Bergsma has taught four undergraduate courses on Hebrew, as well as a summer intensive on the language.
“‘Amen’ is a Hebrew word whose root meaning is ‘truth,’” Bergsma explained to CNA. “Already in ancient times, the Israelites used the term ‘amen’ in solemn ceremonies to express consent to the truth of what was said, meaning, ‘it is true’ or ‘so be it,’ depending on context.”
In Hebrew, said Bergsma, the word for man is ‘adam’ or ‘ish,’ and is unrelated to the word “amen.”
“In fact, the Hebrew pronunciation is ‘ah-MAIN,’ rhyming with ‘train,’ and doesn’t sound like ‘men,’” he said. “It is a verbal form, not a noun.”