“All the News That’s Fit to Eat” (The Food Section)

Josh Friedland's New York food blog, "The Food Section" (http://www.thefoodsection.com), began in July 2003. Its slogan was "All the News That's Fit to Eat," a take-off on The New York Times's "All the News That's Fit to Print."

In April 2009, the New York Times sent a threatening letter to The Food Section and the parody slogan was removed.

The Food Section
July 01, 2003
About The Food Section
Born in Boston, Massachusetts, and raised on the mean streets of the "Gourmet Ghetto" of Berkeley, California, Josh Friedland has pursued a lifelong passion for cooking and dining. In July 2003, he turned his obsession into The Food Section (thefoodsection.com), a pioneering weblog about food, wine, and travel. Josh Friedland's writing has appeared in the New York Times and the Washington Post.

Based in New York City, The Food Section publishes original food writing and photography and scours the web for links to culinary news and events, recipes, and gastronomical ephemera.

The Food Section
The New York Times Ate My Slogan
You may have noticed that The Food Section logo looks a little scantily clad. Gone is the subheading/tagline "All the News That's Fit to Eat," a parody of the New York Times' famous slogan, "All The News That's Fit to Print."

Two days ago, I had the surprise of receiving a cease and desist letter from the New York Times demanding that I immediately remove the "All the News That's Fit to Eat" tagline because, in their words, the "use of this similar slogan capitalizes on the good will and reputation associated with the Times's trademark and constitutes trademark dilution and infringement."

Since I have neither the resources, time, or energy to defend myself against the risk of a lawsuit, I regret to inform you that I decided to cave in.
Posted by Josh Friedland on Apr 22, 2009