Aggie Punch

Aggie Punch is most likely named after the Texas A&M Aggies, although other “agricultural” colleges also use the Aggie nickname.  The drink contains tequila, lime juice and apple-cranberry juice. The Cosmoquila cocktail also contains tequila, lime juice and cranberry juice, but also adds Cointreau.
“Aggie Punch” is cited in print from only 2006 and is found in almost no book or newspaper, although the recipe appears on several cocktail websites.
The Webtender
Aggie Punch

2 shots Gold tequila (Cuervo)
1 splash Lime juice
6 oz Apple-cranberry juice
Mixing instructions:
Combine ingredients and stir. Best served over ice and in a clear glass.
Creator/contributor’s comments:
Straight cranberry juice works just as well, but its not as sweet.
I won’t settle for something less than my dreams
Mar. 22nd, 2006
Aggie Punch
2 shots Gold tequila (Cuervo)
1 splash Lime juice
6 oz Apple-cranberry juice
drinks recipes easy
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Quick and easy appetizers long drinks
Aggie Punch

* 2 shots Gold tequila (Cuervo)
* 1 splash Lime juice
* 6 oz Apple-cranberry juice
Mixing instructions:
Combine ingredients and stir. Best served over ice and in a clear glass.