“After 8 beers I was dangerously weaving in the middle of the road…” (joke)

A drinking joke was posted on Twitter on October 28, 2012:
“After finishing 10 pints I was weaving in the middle of the road. I thought, ‘It’d probably be safer to make this basket at home.’”
The joke is that the first part usually creates the assumption that the speaker had been driving a car “weaving” in the middle of the road. “After 8 beers I was dangerously weaving in the middle of the road, I guess it’s probably safer to make the basket at home” was posted on Reddit—Oneliners on March 17, 2018.
Xela Cumbadger
After finishing 10 pints I was weaving in the middle of the road.
I thought, “It’d probably be safer to make this basket at home.”
3:22 AM - 28 Oct 2012
Howard Jacobson
After 8 pints I was dangerously weaving in the middle of the road.
I thought, “It would probably be safer to make a wicker basket at home.”
9:25 AM - 28 Oct 2012
After drinking10 beer I was dangerously weaving in the middle of the road. I thought, “It’d probably be safer to make this basket at home.”
10:57 PM - 28 Oct 2012
Rumbear Chronicles
Monday’s Pun(s) !!
After 10 pints I was dangerously weaving in the middle of the road. I thought it would probably be safer to make the basket at home.
Google Groups: Fed2 Star
Fed2 Star - January 13, 2013 - page 4 (of 4)
Fiona Craig
Stardate: 135749:6151 - Trinity: After 10 pints I was dangerously weaving in the middle of the road. I thought it would probably be safer to make the basket at home.
12 September 2013, The Observer (Gladstone, Queensland), “Joke of the Day,” pg. 10:
After 10 pints I was dangerously weaving in the middle of the road.
I thought it would probably be safer to make the basket at home.
After 8 beers I was dangerously weaving in the middle of the road, I guess it’s probably safer to make the basket at home.
submitted March 17, 2018 by wonliners