Administration’s Press (Associated Press or AP nickname)

The Associated Press (AP) is a news agency founded in 1846 and headquartered in New York City. The derogatory nickname of the “Administration’s Press” has been cited in print since at least October 2011.
“The Administration’s Press” has been frequently used by Tom Blumer, whose reports on the Associated Press have been published on the blog NewsBusters. Blumer uses the nickname to express his opinion that the Associated Press has become a tool of a Democratic presidential administration.
Other Associated Press nicknames include “Disassociated Press” (since at least 1950), “Associated Propaganda” (since at least November 1999), “Associated Depressed” (since at least December 2004), “Absolutely Pathetic” (since at least June 2006) and “American Pravda” (since at least August 2008).
Wikipedia: Associated Press
The Associated Press is an American news agency. The AP is a cooperative owned by its contributing newspapers, radio and television stations in the United States, which both contribute stories to the AP and use material written by its staff journalists. Many newspapers and broadcasters outside the United States are AP subscribers, paying a fee to use AP material without being contributing members of the cooperative.

As of 2005, the news collected by the AP is published and republished by more than 1,700 newspapers, in addition to more than 5,001 television and radio broadcasters. The photograph library of the AP consists of over 10 million images. The Associated Press operates 243 news bureaus, and it serves at least 120 countries, with an international staff located all over the world.
MIA: AP Coverage of Dour Consumer Sentiment Report
By Tom Blumer | October 15, 2011 | 10:23
Yesterday, Joe Weisenthal at Business Insider reacted to the mixed economic news of the day by observing: “Lots of folks are scratching their head about today’s dismal UMich/Reuters consumer sentiment number coming in so ugly, just as retail sales for September came in so strong.”
It seems that the folks at the Associated Press were not among the head-scratchers. From all appearances, the self-described Essential Global News Network, whose acronym might as well stand for “The Administration’s Press,” didn’t cover the consumer sentiment story at all.
Issa’s Gunwalker Subpoena a Virtual Non-Story; AP Furiously Spins False ‘Bush Did It Too’ Meme
By Tom Blumer | October 16, 2011 | 10:58
On October 9, an unbylined Associated Press story reported that Congressmen Darrell Issa “could send subpoenas to the Obama administration as soon as this week over weapons lost amid the Mexican drug war.” On Wednesday, October 12, Issa did just that.
Searches at the main site of the Associated Press aka the Administration’s Press on “subpoena,” “subpoenas,” and Congressman Issa’s last name indicate that the self-described Essential Global News Network has not reported the subpoena’s actual issuance.
‘Scandal-Free’ Admin Update: 80% of DOE ‘Green’ Loan $ Went to Obama Backers
By Tom Blumer | November 14, 2011 | 20:32
In Hawaii today, according to an Associated Press dispatch filed by Ben Feller, President Barack Obama is reported to have told supporters that, in Feller’s words, “everything they worked for and that the country stands for is on the line in his 2012 re-election bid.”
It’s not looking good; a search on his last name at the main site of the Associated Press, which may as well call itself The Administration’s Press, at 7:00 p.m. ET came up empty.
Taranto on Bogus AP ‘Fact Check’: ‘Literally Doesn’t Know the Meaning of the Word ‘Fact’‘
By Tom Blumer | December 09, 2011 | 18:49
Yesterday, Anne Gearan at the Associated Press, aka the Administration’s Press, wrote what she called a “Fact Check” piece about a political promise. Really.
Patriots for Freedom
AP = Associated Press = Apparatchik Press = Administration’s Press
January 8th, 2012 by ELCore
On December 13, 2011, AP’s senior managing editor Michael Oreskes sent a memo to 3,000 AP staffers, outlining his plan for “The New Distinctiveness” — by which they will further bias their news while still pretending to be unbiased. Make no mistake, it’s no coincidence this “new distinctiveness” is being deployed just as the presidential election year is starting.
Rush Rips AP’s Rugaber for ‘Intentionally Misleading’ in Report on Unemployment Claims
By Tom Blumer | March 08, 2012 | 18:24
Earlier today (at NewsBusters; at BizzyBlog), I noted the press’s ridiculously forgiving coverage of today’s reported increase in unemployment claims while concentrating primarily on RTT News’s assertion that the unemployment rate should continue to come down as long as weekly claims stay below 400,000. Three years ago, Christopher Rugaber’s threshold at the Associated Press, also known to yours truly as the Administration’s Press, was 325,000.
Rush Rips AP’s Coverage of Obama’s Keystone Pipeline Pretense
By Tom Blumer | March 22, 2012 | 15:11
Here’s some good advice from Rush Limbaugh’s opening monologue today: “If I were you, I would regard every AP story, particularly this year, as nothing more than a propaganda piece for the reelection of Barack Obama.”
What occasioned Rush’s rant is the thinly disguised propaganda today from the Associated Press, aka the Administration’s Press, concerning President Obama’s visit to Cushing, Oklahoma to pretend that he’s really a fan of the Keystone Pipeline, starting with the following headline: ...