“Absinthe makes the fart grow stronger”

“Absence makes the heart grow fonder” is an old proverb. There have been many jocular variations with “absinthe” (instead of “absence”) and “fart” (instead of “heart”).
“Absinthe makes the fart go ponder” was printed in a 1990 book. “Everyone knows that absinthe makes the fart go HONDA!” was cited in 1992. “Absinthe makes the fart go yonder” was cited in 1994. “Absinthe makes the fart grow louder” was also cited in 1994. “Absinthe makes the fart grow stronger” was cited in 1999.
“Absinthe makes the heart grow fonder,” “Abstinence makes the church grow fondlers” and “Doctor, why do I toot like a motorcycle?”/“Because abscess makes the fart go Honda” are other variations on the proverb.
Google Books
The Nutley Papers:
Unbelievable Correspondence from the Titans of Music

By James Billings
Englewood, NJ: Music Associates of America
Pg. 34:
Absinthe makes the fart go ponder.
Google Groups: rec.motorcycles
HELP: Motorcycle Jokes WANTED
Ken Murphy
Warning, BAD motorcycle joke follows…...
A fellow goes into his doctors office one day, and tells the doctor that he’s got to help him.  The doctor asks what the problem is.  The fellow tells him that every time he passes gas, it goes “... HONDA..”.  He says, “Its real embarrasing, cause I ride a Harley”  The doctor asks him is he consumes absinthe.  The fellow, astonished, says yes.  The doctor tells him not to use absinthe for 2 weeks then come back to see him.  Time passes (about 2
weeks) and the fellow goes back to the doctor.  The doctor asks him if his problem is cured.  The fellow says, Yes, I can’t believe it.  What did the absinthe have to do with it?  The doctor says, “Everyone knows that absinthe makes the fart go HONDA!”
Google Groups: alt.tasteless
William Ramwell
Then again, Absinthe makes the fart go yonder.
Google Groups: alt.folklore.urban
The truth about absinthe (was:Re: HELP JAGER MEISTER)
.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
t “but, absinthe makes the fart grow louder” c
Google Groups: alt.fan.pratchett
Temple Business was (M*I*ssing presumed drunk)
Gid Holyoake
Seriously though 😛 .. you shouldn’t touch the stuff.. it gives you flatulence like a Japanese motorbike.. you know what they say.. Absinthe makes the fart go Honda!!
Google Groups: alt.humor.puns
Is it true that absinthe makes the fart grow louder?
Google Groups: uk.sport.football
Make your own Absinthe for fun and/or profit
Matthew Erskine
Doesn’t the saying go, “Absinthe makes the fart grow stronger”?
Google Groups: alt.fan.art-bell
Absinthe vs. Cocaine
Clave T
> > “Absinthe makes the fart grow fonder.”
> > Or something like that.
> I thought it was “absinthe makes the fart grow fungus”.
Nonono…Absinthe makes the tart grow blonder.
Google Groups: alt.fan.art-bell
Absinthe vs. Cocaine
Glen Quarnstrom

>> “Absinthe makes the fart grow fonder.”
>> Or something like that.
>I thought it was “absinthe makes the fart grow fungus”.
Actually, it’s a line in some old spaghetti western…
“Absinthe makes the heart grow, Fonda.”
Google Books
Better Late Than Never?:
An Illustrated Diary of 1935

By John Hill
Norwich, Ct: Tagman Press
Pg. 315:
‘The wages of gin and breath’, ‘Absinthe makes the fart flow stronger’, ‘Many are cold but few are frozen’: this is the Daniels’ humour.
11 October 2003, The Daily Telegraph (London, UK), “Not even bad enough to be good Theatre” by Charles Spencer, pg. 22:
When a character breaks wind after drinking absinthe, he can’t resist pointing out that “absinthe makes the fart blow stronger”.
Google Books
Razor Smile - Comic Verse and Humerus Prose
Guildford, Surrey, UK: Grosvenor House Publishing Ltd
By Alan Joynson
Pg. ?:
Absinthe makes the fart grow stronger.
snddoɥ ʞɹɐɯ  🏳️‍🌈
Absinthe makes the fart crow wander.
2:45 PM - 10 Sep 2017
Ramona #FBPE
Replying to @twlldun
Absinthe makes the fart grow Honda. I read this in the Gents of a bar heavily used by journalists, so it’s probably true.
5:59 PM - 25 May 2018
Gary Miller
Absinthe makes the fart flow yonder
3:41 AM - 21 Jun 2018