“A waffle is like a pancake with a syrup trap”

“A waffle is like a pancake with a syrup trap” is a jocular statement that has been printed on many images. The joke was a signature of comedian Mitch Hedberg’s comedy act since at least 2001.
Similar sayings include “Waffles are just pancakes with abs,” “Waffles are just pancakes with bones,” “Waffles are just pancakes with tiny bowls for syrup” and “A waffle is just a more considerate pancake. It’s like, here, let me hold that syrup for you in these convenient boxes.”
Wikipedia: Mitch Hedberg
Mitchell Lee “Mitch” Hedberg (February 24, 1968 – March 29, 2005) was an American stand-up comedian known for his surreal humor and unconventional comedic delivery. His comedy typically featured short, sometimes one-line jokes, mixed with absurd elements and non sequiturs.
Hedberg’s comedy and on-stage persona gained him a cult following, with audience members sometimes shouting out the punchlines to his jokes before he could finish them.
“A waffle is like a pancake with a syrup trap.”
(Undated audio of Mitch Hedberg—ed.)
8 June 2001, Dallas (TX) Morning News, “Hedberg has laughs that last; Humor stretched, whirled at Improv” by John C. Davenport:
“Waffles are like pancakes with syrup traps.”
Google Groups: alt.tv.kids-in-hall
laura the office sub
“A waffle’s like a pancake with a syrup trap.”—Mitch Hedberg.
Google Books
Jokes Over Easy:
1,386 Delicious Jokes from the Best Comedians

By Judy Brown
New York, NY: Barnes & Noble
Pg. 30:
A waffle is like a pancake with a syrup trap. —MITCH HEDBERG
Electrical Audio
by kerble on Wed Dec 08, 2004 1:32 am
“Waffles are pancakes with a syrup trap.”
-M. Hedberg
7 August 2005, The Times (Shreveport, LA), “Comedian’s death a blow to cult following” by Julie Miller, pg. D2:
Friends told each other Mitch jokes to create laughter: “A waffle is like a pancake with a syrup trap.”
Waffles Are Pancakes With Syrup Traps
Uploaded by Jarrettplane on Nov 26, 2009
Just another random Animation about Waffles.