“A tragedy is a ship full of bankers sinking. A catastrophe is when they can all swim”

A joke about bankers is:
Q: What’s the difference between a tragedy and a catastrophe?
A: A tragedy is a ship full of bankers going down in a storm. A catastrophe is when they can all swim.

The banker joke has been cited in print since at least 2012, and it has also been told about politicians and accountants. A old version of the joke has been credited to Benjamin Disraeli (1804-1881) and his alleged caustic remark about William Gladstone (1809-1898) falling into the Thames River.
APRIL 12, 1991
Medical Liability Reform Sen. Hatch discussed the pending legislation to reform the medical liability system.
Benjamin Disraeli the prime minister of England was once asked to define the difference between a tragedy and a catastrophe. After a moment’s reflection he said if his opponent Mr Gladstone were to fall into the Thames River that would be a tragedy. But if someone were to pull him out that would indeed be a catastrophe. I know a few people like that up here and I cannot decide whether the medical liability crisis in this release terms is a tragedy or a catastrophe.
Google Groups: talk.origins
[OT] Back from the Convention
Keith Bloom
Cyde Weys

wrote in
> At least we agree on one thing ... Dubya getting re-elected
> would be tragic.
Q: What’s the difference between a tragedy and a catastrophe?
A: If President Bush fell out of his helicopter and landed in the Potomac River, that would be a tragedy. If someone pulled him out again, that would be a catastrophe.
Apologies to Benjamin Disraeli.
Google Groups: alt.sports.baseball.ny-yankees
Wholesale designer bags
DG, what is the difference between a tragedy and a catastrophe?  A tragedy is a shipful of illegal aliens going down in a storm.  A catastrophe is when they can all swim!
Roger CPA Review Blog
Thursday, November 4, 2010 | Roger CPA Review
Q: What is the difference between a tragedy and a catastrophe?
A: A tragedy is a ship full of accountants going down in a storm…. A catastrophe is when they can all swim!
Google Books
The Mammoth Book of One-Liners
Compiled by Geoff Tibballs
London, UK: Constable & Robinson Ltd
Pg. ?:
What’s the difference between a tragedy and a catastrophe? A tragedy is a ship full of bankers going down in a storm; a catastrophe is when they can all swim.
Phil Cassidy‏
Whats the difference between a catastrophe and a tragedy.A Tragedy is a ship full of bankers sinking.A Catastrophe is when they can all swim
2:28 PM - 8 Mar 2013
Vikas Sharma‏
Wat’s difference betwen tragedy&catastrophe?A tragedy is a ship ful of Politician goingdown in a storm;a catastrophe is whn theycan all swim
8:59 AM - 14 Jun 2013
5 June 2014, Vancouver (BC) Sun, “Vancity banks on value-based future” by Michael Bernard, pg. D6:
“What’s the difference between a tragedy and a catastrophe? A tragedy is a ship full of bankers going down in a storm; a catastrophe is when they can all swim.”
- From 25 Jokes About Bankers and Banking The world abounds in such jokes about bankers, particularly after the financial meltdown of 2008 and the U.S. government’s bailout of that country’s financial institutions.
20 Best Banker Jokes
2. Bankers On A Ship
What’s the difference between a tragedy and a catastrophe?
A tragedy is a ship full of bankers going down in a storm; a catastrophe is when they can all swim.
Bankers V/s Customers Jokes
May 16, 2015 ·
What’s the difference between a tragedy and a catastrophe?
A tragedy is a ship full of bankers going down in a storm; a catastrophe is when they can all swim.
The Daily Coin
October 8, 2016 ·
What’s the difference between a tragedy and a catastrophe, a wag once asked? A tragedy is a ship full of bankers sinking. A catastrophe is when they can swim.