“A space heater makes a great housewarming gift”

What’s a good housewarming gift? A space heater literally is a “house-warming” gift.
“A space heater is the ultimate housewarming gift” was posted on Twitter on September 15, 2009. “A space heater is a literal housewarming gift” was posted on Reddit—Shower Thoughts on August 26, 2015.
“What do astronauts use to stay warm?”/“A space heater” is another space heater joke.
“Threw my neighbors a really nice housewarming party. The cops are calling it arson, however” and “When I moved into my new igloo, my friends threw me a housewarming party and now I’m homeless” are other “housewarming party” jokes.
Wikipedia: Space heater
A space heater is a device used to heat a single, small area; central heating is used to heat many connected areas, such as the rooms of a house. Space heaters are powered by electricity or a burnable fuel, such as natural gas, propane, fuel oil, or wood pellets. Portable space heaters are usually electric, because a permanent exhaust is needed for heaters which burn fuel.
A space heater is the ultimate housewarming gift.
1:39 PM - 15 Sep 2009
Great housewarming gift: a space heater.
11:20 PM - 13 Sep 2010
RT @asialawson: What’s a good housewarming gift? - a space heater
9:49 PM - 14 Dec 2010
A space heater makes a great housewarming gift #punny.
8:07 PM - 24 Oct 2011
Ryland Blackinton‏
The best housewarming gift is a space heater.
6:33 PM - 25 Sep 2014
Reddit—Shower Thoughts
A space heater is a literal housewarming gift.
submitted August 26, 2015 by 4everadrone
Why did Jim buy a space heater for his friend? self.3amjokes
Submitted August 3, 2017 by SuicidalSushi
It was a housewarming gift