“A snowflake is winter’s butterfly”

“A snowflake is winter’s butterfly” (or the plural, “Snowflakes are winter’s butterflies”) is a seasonal saying that has been printed on many images. Snowflakes and butterflies are light things of beauty that fly in the air.
Poems titled “Winter Butterflies” (about snowflakes) were printed in 1901 and 1902. “TO A SNOWFLAKE (...) Art thou Winter’s butterfly” was printed in the book Our Lady Courtesy: And Other Poems (1925) by Alexander John Cody. “Little snowflakes from the sky, Are you Winter’s butterfly?” was printed in the book Adjusting the School to the Child: Practical First Steps (1932) by Carleton Wolsey Washburne.
“Snowflakes are winter’s butterflies” was printed in the Los Angeles (CA) Times on June 8, 2006. “A snowflake is a winter’s butterfly” was posted on Twitter by Lauraa on December 15, 2009.   
Google Books
December 1901, St. Nicholas (New York, NY), pg. 187, col. 1:
Butterflies are coming, coming from the sky;
They are soft and fluffy—see how fast they fly.
Can you quickly guess, now, what are these butterflies?
They are tiny snowflakes falling from the skies.
Google Books
13 February 1902, The Christian Register (Boston, MA), pg. 194, col. 1:
Winter Butterflies.
The snowflakes flutter all around,
Or drop to rest upon the ground;
And, if you see them with my eyes,
You’ll know they are white butterflies
That float from sunny fields above
To visit boys and girls they love.
Ray Clarke Rose.
Google Books
Our Lady Courtesy:
And Other Poems

By Alexander John Cody
Santa Clara, CA: University of Santa Clara Press
Pg. 64:
To and fro Fluttering low,
Thou dost woo the flowers asleep:
Tossed on high To the sky,
Thou dost dare the cloudy steep:
On the river
Thou dost quiver
Where the darkly water grieves:
O’er the trees’
Frost draperies
Vainly is they quest of leaves.
A fairy thing
With crystal wing,
A flower, a star,
A sprite afar,
Art thou Winter’s butterfly
Google Books
Adjusting the School to the Child:
Practical First Steps

By Carleton Wolsey Washburne
Yonkers on Hudson, NY: World Book Company
Pg. 129:
Little snowflakes from the sky,
Are you Winter’s butterfly?
8 June 2006, Los Angeles (CA) Times, “The Kids’ Reading Room:`A Sea of Smiling Fish’; Part 4: The story so far: Ruby’s school is having a contest to see which class can write the best metaphors” by Lola De Julio, pg. H3:
“How about this?” Alma said. “Snowflakes are ... ,”
”... like winter’s butterflies,” Joe chimed in.
“We can’t use the word ‘like,’ ” Mrs. Valeria reminded the students. “If we did, we’d have a simile. We must say, ‘Snowflakes are winter’s butterflies.’ Then it’s a metaphor.”
Google Books
9000 New Scrapbook Titles
By Kathleen Boyers
Lulu Press (Lulu.com)
Pg. 108:
Snowflakes are winter’s butterflies
a snowflake is a winter’s butterfly 8->
10:54 AM · Dec 15, 2009·Twitter Web Client
Jean Parnell
“A snowflake is a winter’s butterfly"Author: Hero Arts
7:00 PM · Dec 17, 2009·Twitter Web Client
Natalie Chernyak
a snowflake is winter’s butterfly - Hello everyone! Another challenge is here, Caardvarks Challenge and here… http://tumblr.com/x855fg8ga
1:20 AM · Jan 11, 2010·Twitter Web Client
Jake Kodak
Here’s one for Calgary…“snowflakes are winter’s butterflies”...pffffft!...at least you can shoo butterflies away when they annoy ٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶
11:40 PM · Nov 19, 2010·TweetDeck
Chelsea Kane
Snowflakes are winter’s butterflies.
1:43 PM · Dec 21, 2011·Twitter for iPhone
Melody Nurramdhani Laksani
A snowflake is winter’s butterfly https://instagram.com/p/BQCY8IaA9DM/
12:14 AM · Feb 3, 2017·Instagram
S a b r i ñ â 💜
❄️🐾Snowflakes are winter’s butterflies ❄️🐾❄️🐾
12:14 AM · Feb 15, 2017·Twitter for iPhone
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5. “A snowflake is winter’s butterfly.” — Unknown
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A snowflake is a winter butterfly.
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Snowflakes are winter’s butterflies
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DEC 10, 2019
A snowflake is winter’s version of a butterfly.