“A party without cake is just a meeting”

“A party without (a) cake is just a meeting” is a saying that has been printed on many posters, with the saying almost always credited to American chef and author Julia Child (1912-2004). The saying has been cited since 2008, although Child died in 2004. There is no known documentation that Julia Child ever said this.
12/23/09 at 4:57am
“A party without cake is just a meeting.” Julia Childs
Specialty Cakes by Angela
Wednesday, March 03, 2010
A “Last Day of Class” Cake.
As I once heard someone say, a cake makes a gathering a party.
Posted by Angela at 8:09 PM
Matthew said…
I believe that was Mrs. Child who said something along the lines of, “A party without a cake is just a meeting”. 😊
March 17, 2010 at 9:17 PM
Yankee Belle B‏
“A party without cake is really just a meeting.” - Julia Child
1:24 PM - 21 Oct 2010
The Baking Bug
Monday, December 20, 2010
“A party without cake is really just a meeting”
- Julia Child
Neverland Cakes
A party without #cake is just a meeting. ~ Julia Child ~~> We are now taking orders for June!
9:50 PM - 19 May 13
Present and Correct
‘A party without cake is just a meeting.’ 
– Julia Child.
12:02 PM - 23 May 13
Beekman 1802 Boys‏
A party without a cake is just a meeting.—Julia Child http://fb.me/1KEeTSOn6
4:51 AM - 25 May 13
A party without a cake is just a meeting. #juliachild
1:07 PM - 25 May 13
Sugarland ‏@SugarlandTweets
@barrypopik ” A party without cake is just a meeting”. It was me I said it. I gave a reporter a quote to see if she would check her sources
2:27 PM - 2 Sep 2015
Barry Popik ‏@barrypopik
@SugarlandTweets Thanks. When and where did you first say it?
2:39 PM - 2 Sep 2015
@barrypopik 2008 to a freelancer working for Saveur.
9:26 PM - 2 Sep 2015