“A nice cold drink and an ice cold drink is the same sentence with the space in different places”

Did someone say “a nice cold drink” or “an ice cold drink”? “‘I had a nice, cold drink.’ ‘I had an ice-cold drink’” was printed in a 1915 book.
This was posted on Reddit—Shower Thoughts on May 12, 2018:
“A nice cold drink and an ice cold drink is the same sentence with the space in different places.”
Google Books
The School, the Child and the Teacher:
Suggestions for Students in Training

By Ellen Winifred Adamson
London, UK: Longmans, Greeen and Company
Pg. 102:
Another useful exercise is the practising of pairs of sentences which emphasize the need for giving each consonant its full value and for separating words properly:
“I had a nice, cold drink,” “I had an ice-cold drink.”
Google Groups: alt.english.usage
Orange crush
Now I think I’ll go and have an ice cold drink. Or maybe a nice cold drink.
Google Books
When They Severed Earth from Sky:
How the Human Mind Shapes Myth

By Elizabeth Wayland Barber and Paul T. Barber
Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press
Pg. 142:
Similarly, if you ask for an ice-cold drink, the addressee has a fifty-fifty chance of hearing it as a nice cold drink.
“An ice cold drink” and “a nice cold drink” are essentially the same thing if you don’t properly emphasize what you are saying. #random
9:04 PM - 2 Aug 2012
Erol-antony McKenzie
Home and having an ice cold drink. Or is it a nice cold drink? Something new tonight anyway…..
12:54 PM - 6 Aug 2013 from Hounslow, England
Out Of Order.
The difference between “A nice cold drink” and “An ice cold drink”
11:01 PM - 28 Aug 2014
Pseudo Justin ⚾
Fine I give up trying to figure out if you said “an ice cold drink” or “a nice cold drink” and we’ll both pretend it doesn’t matter 😫😩😞😔
7:50 PM - 1 Dec 2016
I just realized “a nice cold drink” and “an ice cold drink” sound the exact same. #mindblown
6:13 PM - 14 Jul 2017
Reddit—Shower Thoughts 
A nice cold drink and an ice cold drink is the same sentence with the space in different places
submitted May 12, 2018 by DistinctChallenge
A nice cold drink and an ice cold drink is the same sentence with the space in different places
6:07 PM - 12 May 2018