“A mathematician walks into a bar and orders ten times the drinks of everyone else…” (bar joke)

“A guy walks into a bar…” is a typical form of what has been called the “bar joke.” A mathematician version is:
“A mathematician walks into a bar and asks for ten times the normal number of drinks anyone else has. ‘Wow,’ says the barkeep, ‘That’s an order of magnitude!’”
The joke has been cited in print since at least 2009.
“An infinite number of mathematicians walk into a bar…” is another mathematician bar joke.
Wikipedia: Order of magnitude
Orders of magnitude are written in powers of 10. For example, the order of magnitude of 1500 is 3, since 1500 may be written as 1.5 × 103.

Differences in order of magnitude can be measured on the logarithmic scale in “decades” (i.e., factors of ten).
ASP & So Choice
A mathematician walks into a bar and asks for 10x the # of drinks everyone else has. “Wow” says the barkeep, “that’s an order of magnitude.”
2:53 PM - 8 Sep 2009
A mathematician walks into a bar and asks for ten times the normal number of drinks anyone else has. “Wow,” says the barkeep, “That’s an order of magnitude.” (self.funny)
submitted September 9, 2009 by offat9 to /r/funny
Kobus Brümmer
Man walks into a bar and asks for ten times the normal number of drinks anyone else has.“Wow” says the barkeep,“Thats an order of magnitude”
4:53 AM - 9 Sep 2009
The Daily Irrelevant
Nerd jokes
Posted on September 9th, 2009 at 12:32 by John Sinteur in category: Joke
A mathematician walks into a bar and asks for ten times the normal number of drinks anyone else has. “Wow,” says the barkeep, “That’s an order of magnitude.”
MumblingNerd’s Mumbling Blog
A man walks into a bar
12 FEBRUARY 2010
A mathematician walks into a bar and says to the bartender; “Give me ten times the number of drinks everybody in here is drinking.” The bartender replies; “Now that is an order of magnitude.”
Math Jokes Explained - Numberphile
Published on May 20, 2013
Some of your favourite maths jokes are dissected in forensic fashion.
Los Angeles (CA) Times
Happy April Fool’s Day! Scientists have a sense of humor too
April 01, 2014 | By Karen Kaplan
If math is more your thing, there’s this classic set-up:
A man walks into a bar and asks for 10 times more drinks than anyone else. The barman says, “Now THAT is an order of magnitude!”
Don’t get it? Don’t despair. You can watch Matt Parker explain the joke (and others) in this video from our friends at Numberphile.