“A man walks into a bar and says, ‘Give me a beer before problems start!’” (bar joke)

“A guy walks into a bar…” is a typical form of what has been called the “bar joke.” A popular version has a man walk into a bar and shout, “Give me a beer before problems start!” He has a few beers, then the bartender asks how he is going to pay for it. “Now the problems start!” he replies.
The bar joke has been cited in print since at least 2003.
WebHosting Talk
Thread: Worst “x” guys walk into a bar jokes
10-27-2003, 02:00 AM
A man walks into a bar, sits down and orders a Bud. He says “Give me a beer before problems start!” The bartender doesn’t understand but gives the man a beer. After 15 minutes the man orders a beer again saying “Give me a beer before problems start!” The bartender looks a little bit confused but pours the man a beer. The goes on the whole night and after the 15th beer the bartender is totally confused and asks the man “What do you mean with before problems start, when are you going to pay for the beers you drunk.” The man answers “You see right now the problems start!”
Google Books
Guy Walks Into A Bar…:
501 Bar Jokes, Stories, Anecdotes, Quips, Quotes, Riddles and Wisecracks

By Michael Lewis
New York, NY: Black Dog & Leventhal Publishers, Inc.
Pg. ?:
A man walks into a bar and says, Give me a beer before problems start! He drinks the beer, and says again, Give me a beer before problems start! The bartender looks confused. This goes on for a few more rounds, and after the fifth beer the bartender is totally confused. When are you going to pay for these beers? he asks. The man answers, Now the problems start!
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Is this thing on?
A man walks into a bar and says, “Give me a beer before problems start!” Again, the man orders a beer again saying, “Give me a beer before problems start!” The bartender looks confused. This goes on for a while, and after the fifth beer the bartender is totally confused and asks the man “When are you going to pay for these beers?” The man answers, “Now the problems start!” 
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media exaggeration
A man walks into a bar and says, “Give me a beer before problems start!” Again, the man orders a beer again saying, “Give me a beer before problems start!” The bartender looks confused. This goes on for a while, and after the fifth beer the bartender is totally confused and asks the man “When are you going to pay for these beers?” The man answers, “Now the problems start!”.
WIN! Dawn Of War II And Limited Edition T-Shirt
David Wildgoose
Feb 19, 2009, 9:00am ⋅
namarrgon @Namarrgon
Feb 19, 2009, 12:48pm
So, a Space Marine, an Ork and a Tyranid walk into a bar. The bartender, thankful that he paid his insurance last month, goes up to the Space Marine, who shouts, “Hurry man, give me a beer before the problems start!” The bartender turns pale, casts frightened glances at the Ork and Tyranid, quickly pushes a beer in front of him and leaves without even asking for money.
He then approaches the Ork, who snarls, “Oi! Gimme dat beer before dem problemz start!” The barkeep looks nervously at the Space Marine and Tyranid, and serves him straight away, gratis.
Lastly he goes to the Tyranid, who hisses, “Beeeeerrrrsssss! Before the problemsss!”. The bartender checks the other two, but they’re sipping their beers and sitting quietly, showing no signs of violence. So the bartender relaxes a little, and says, “Alright, but who’s going to pay for all these beers?”
The Tyranid rolls his glowing eyes and says, “Sso, now the problemss sstart.”
Humour Touch
August 3, 2016 ·
A man walks into a bar and says, “Give me a beer before the problems start!”
He drinks the beer and then orders another saying, “Give me a beer before the problems start!”
The bartender looks confused. This goes on for a while, and after the fifth beer the bartender is totally confused and asks the man “When are you going to pay for these beers?”
The man answers, “Now the problems start!”
Posted by u/SplitzerShitzer March 30, 2017
A Guy walks into a bar
A man walks into a bar and says, “Give me a beer before the problems start!” He drinks the beer and then orders another saying, “Give me a beer before the problems start!” The bartender looks confused. This goes on for a while, and after the fifth beer the bartender is totally confused and asks the man “When are you going to pay for these beers?” The man answers, “Now the problems start!”
Posted by u/ayeroflmao May 18, 2017
Give me a beer before the problems start!
A man walks into a bar and says, “Give me a beer before the problems start!”
He drinks the beer and then orders another saying, “Give me a beer before the problems start!”

The bartender looks confused. This goes on for a while, and after the fifth beer the bartender is totally confused and asks the man “When are you going to pay for these beers?”
The man answers, “Now the problems start!”
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Greeting Brother Knights,
A man walks into a bar and says, “Give me a beer before the problems start!”
He drinks the beer quickly and then orders another saying, “Give me a beer before the problems start!” The bartender looks confused. This goes on for a while, and after the fifth beer the bartender is totally confused and asks the man “When are you going to pay for these beers?”
The man answers, “Now the problems start!”
Posted by u/Agodthatbleeds April 30, 2019
A man walks into a bar and says, “Give me a beer before the problems start!”
He drinks the beer and then orders another saying, “Give me a beer before the problems start!”
The bartender looks confused. This goes on for a while, and after the fifth beer the bartender is totally confused and asks the man “When are you going to pay for these beers?”
The man answers, “Now the problems start!”
i thought for sure it had something to do with his wife walking in the bar