“A lawsuit is something no one wants to have and no one wants to lose”

“A lawsuit is something no one wants to have and no one wants to lose” is a popular legal contradiction that appeared in the American Bar Association Journal in 1920. “What is it that no man wants to have yet no man wants to lose?” was asked by the character of The Riddler in the television series Batman in 1966. “A lawsuit!” answered Robin, correctly.
Google Books
November 1920, American Bar Association Journal, pg. 169, col. 2:
Queer But True
We find some odd contradictions in life.
There is one thing nobody wants to have, and when they do hae it nobody wants to lose, and that is—a lawsuit!
The Internet Movie Database
Batman (TV Series)
Hi Diddle Riddle (1966)

Batman: Out riddled!
The Riddler: I thought you might be, Batman. That’s why I brought witnesses with camera’s. Hoho! What is it that no man wants to have yet no man wants to lose?
Robin: A lawsuit!
The Riddler: Correct, Boy Wonder!
Google Groups: rec.aviation.homebuilt
Mike Best
PS. Better yet, do not ever oppose this man or you too will have that which no man wants TO HAVE and no man wants TO LOSE… a lawsuit.
What is it that no man wants to have, yet no man wants to lose?
Published on Feb 25, 2013
Riddle: Question, what is it that no man wants to have, yet no man wants to lose?
A lawsuit. No man wants to have a lawsuit,but no man wants to lose a lawsuit either. (@YouTube http://youtu.be/OLlSSGylCq4?a )
4:47 PM - 9 Apr 2013
The Riddler
What is it that no man wants to have but no man wants to lose?
A lawsuit
#theriddler #riddles
4:22 PM - 4 Aug 2014